What do skinny people eat on emotional sick days?

aaaaaamyyyyyyy Posts: 69
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Because seriously, all I want right now is a loaf of warm white bread, a jar of peanut butter, a few blocks of chocolate and a box of Coco Pops.

I tried a big bowl of hot vegetable soup but it just didn't even come close.

I don't feel in danger of binging, I'm just grumpy because for the first time in my life, things are going wrong and I can't turn to food to make me feel better.


  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i never really thought about it
    many years ago i was skinny a nice size 10 tummy muscles 98lbs then i had kids and that all went out the window but when i was depressed then i reached for chocolates same as i do now maybe skinny people have the same comforts as us but they ar elucky that just looking at chocolate doesnt gain them like 50lbs

    usually now when im depressed down or just feleing off it i tend to move furniture around scrub house and clean or do extra workouts it leaves me feeling like ive acheived something hope you feel better soon
  • missmeg1970
    missmeg1970 Posts: 25 Member
    It sucks doesn't it .. but you recognise that you are in that place and are resisting..... go brush your teeth or chew some gum so if you do find yourself binging.. you won't enjoy it and hopefully won't do it

    One step at a time xxx
  • hmm good question.... thinking back to 5 years ago when I was skinny and working out all the time. I had trained myself not to reach for food for comfort. Instead, I would go out for a long walk in the neighborhood....
  • the beauty of couting calories and working out is that you can make room for that! Eat a resee's pb cup and just work your day around it! Or have a small bowl of ice cream! Etc.... I think if you deprive yourself all the time you will end up binging!! Good luck!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I think they probably eat the same as overweight emotional eaters - maybe not as much as they probably have smaller stomachs, but the thing is, the odd emotional eating day does not make you overweight, it's day to day habits that make you overweight. Even skinny people (gosh, I hate talking about them like they're some kind of unicorn or something) have bad days where they eat crap, it's just they're a) not eating crap on their "normal" days b) they probably gain just as much as overweight people, it's just they're not overweight to begin with - they're not going to magically balloon to 300lbs by eating 3500 calories one day out of 100.
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    I don't know what skinny people do, but I cook things that will take all day to cook. Smoked brisket, or pulled pork. Things that take 10+ hours to cook. Keeps me busy and involved with food, without eating it all day.
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    well firstly congratulate yourself on keeping motivated!! its usually emotional days that set us off!! So well done :) I have a LOT of skinny friends, they dont really seem to associated food with comforting themselves, they usually go get their nails done, or go shopping, or perhaps a Starbucks Skinny Caramel Frappuccino no whipped cream which is what I had last week?! Its still defo a little treat but without the sever guilt afterwards.

    Most important thing is to recognise what an achievement it is that you arent binge-ing :)
  • bigmamma3
    bigmamma3 Posts: 134
    I don't think they do or if they do reach for the chocolate they really don't eat very much of it. My nan has been skinny her whole life but eats mainly cakes and junk. She does seem to jog everywhere but what I have noticed is the junk she does eat is only a small amount compared to what I probably would like she will make a cream cake last a couple of days where I would have eaten the lot. She is by no means healthy but I think that's why she stays skinny

    Hope that makes sence
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    PS Weird our profile pics are so similar!! lol
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Exercise is supposed to make you feel better. I'll let you know when that starts working.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I am not really "skinny" I think, but I really had to learn not to eat food to comfort myself. Then I had to learn not to eat a bunch of bad stuff when Im out with my friends. It sounds maybe hard, but in time it gets easier.
    Im thinking - why would I eat now a jar of peanut butter, when I could stay strong and then have a nice (portion controlled) meal with my family tomorrow, without feeling guilty? Or a glass of wine with a friend later tonight?
    Its just a system of "trading" with myself, and not allowing myself to eat all that I want. If I really have to have it, I take the smallest and healthiest option (peanut butter on an apple, or a little ice cream).
  • I lOVE your post Fattack!! It made me smile because it's sooo true!!! :happy:

    Maybe it also has something to do with our emotional connection with food too......Food was always my constant when I was growing up so I LOVE food but it was only as an adult that I realsied that if I was feeling down, chocolate would cheer me up, but if I was depressed I wouldn't eat full stop - cos I didn't feel I 'deserved' to be happy. So maybe some people eat more when they're emotionally depressed because it's a way of punishing themselves by withholding what they want (which might be 'to be slimmer').........
  • weeze_h
    weeze_h Posts: 72
    Lol good topic! I drink a full pint of Ice cold water as quickly as possible. Actually if I'm in the house for the night and not working I may try drinking a bottle of ice cold bud as quickly as possible but that's very rare!

    Oh and I try to forget that Nutella exists!! Havent had it in months!
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    I dont eat "junk" comfort food! and if i do it's a small portion....i.e some cocoa nibs... not a "added sugar and full fat milk family sized chocolate block!"
    My comfort food though believe it or not is swede and carrot mashed together with some thai sweet chili sauce or pumpkin soup.
    I find that sweet treats and carbs dont comfort me they make me anxious. a good walk or a hot black coffee with a mate is way nicer, and wont make you fat!
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    I am not really "skinny" I think, but I really had to learn not to eat food to comfort myself. Then I had to learn not to eat a bunch of bad stuff when Im out with my friends. It sounds maybe hard, but in time it gets easier.
    Im thinking - why would I eat now a jar of peanut butter, when I could stay strong and then have a nice (portion controlled) meal with my family tomorrow, without feeling guilty? Or a glass of wine with a friend later tonight?
    Its just a system of "trading" with myself, and not allowing myself to eat all that I want. If I really have to have it, I take the smallest and healthiest option (peanut butter on an apple, or a little ice cream).

    Great Healthy attitude!! :)
  • Thanks all :) managed to avoid food by reminding myself that the only thing that would make the day worse would be to go over my calories on top of everything else! Snuggled up in bed with warm soy milk and my Harry Potter audio books and let Stephen Fry read me to sleep - just as comforting as a pile of peanut butter sandwiches, and with none of the guilt today.
  • Postlethwaite
    Postlethwaite Posts: 90 Member
    Good save Aaaaaaaa(how many a's are there?)aaaamyyyyyyyyyy:) What a great way to handle a crummy day.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    Skinny people aren't emotional eaters. They don't want food when they are sick or sad. It has the opposite effect.
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