Question about c25k & b210k

Hi everyone,

I'm currently doing the c25k programme and I am on week 6 day 1 tonight. I could only just run for the minute when I first started and after completing my first 20 minute run I just feel like anything is possible now!

My ultimate goal is not just to run 5k but to be able to do 10k or even more and I've already been thinking about doing b210k after I completed c25k.

When I did my 20 minute run a couple of days ago. I did a 3 minute warm up walk, and a 3 minute cool down walk. I do stretches etc before I start. In this total 26 minutes I went 1.9 miles.

I am going to be running the race for like on 10 July which is a 5k (3.2miles) and I have been hoping to run it, but now I am not so sure if I will get to this point by then if I continue with c25k. I do pace myself so that I can successfully complete my runs but I am pushing myself at the same time, my fitness really was zero when I started. I am really short too and even though I do stride out sometimes it doesn't really get me much further!

So this brings me to my question! Is there something I can do to increase my fitness level faster so that I will actually be able to run the whole 5k. I know I still have a couple of weeks left but I am just wondering if doing more intervals for longer periods like the start of b210k will be more helpful to me at this stage. I am willing to push myself and I have not really suffered with aching legs so I think if I do something every other day that this will be ok.

I am a bit behind because I have had tonsilitis and labrinthitis so have had 3 weeks since I started where I wasn't able to run! :( I just want to push forward now as hard as I can!! :)


  • roadrunner32
    Hi there!
    First of all well done for getting that far with your running and having the courage to put yourself forward for the race. You will be amazed of what you can do on a race day. It will be great to run it all but if you can't please be easy on yourself. It's your first race after all :)

    This link could be helpful

    Good luck!
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    That's pretty similar to c25k.

    Any runners out there have any advice for me? :)
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Hello! I was doing the C25K and got up to the 20 minute run like you did (I covered about 1.5 miles).

    Then I deviated from the plan. Almost immediately I could start running 5Ks at the current level of fitness I was at. I never completed weeks 6 - 9. 5Ks became my standard run and I eventually got my time down from 42:42 to approx. 35:00 (where I am now).

    Your fitness might be a lot better than you think, but don't increase your weekly mileage by too much or you risk injuring yourself. It might be worth doing a sensible run just to see how far you really can go - emphasis on the word sensible - not to complete exhaustion!

    The C25K plan is just a guide. In my case, I used it when I needed it, and let it go when it became too easy. It is possible to increase your fitness faster than the C25K plan if you push yourself slightly more... again, emphasis on being sensible about it.

    ETA: Now I'm OK doing 10Ks and I've been running for about 3 months. I didn't use the b210k plan - in fact I didn't really follow a plan as such - I was just sensible enough to prevent injury and tried to set myself realistic goals for the next run. I think I'm going to have to follow a tighter plan now, though, because I've signed up for a half marathon in 3 months...
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I just did week 6 day 1 which was 5 min,8 min,5 min runs and it was so hot outside I was sweating like a pig and found it really hard! lol I can't even believe the difference that the weather made on me!

    Helenium I think that I might do what you have done and deviate from the programme a little and if I don't, rather than going by the timings on c25k I might do it by distance as it has the info for both.

    Well done on your achievements, that is amazing! Definitely inspiring for me to read! I'm sure you will be able to do it. :)
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Two things.... when I did the C25K plan, I got to the 20 minute run on a Monday am. I did it, so as soon as I got home I signed up for a 5K for that weekend. I did run the entire 5K slowly... but I did it. I think if you can get to the 20 or 20+ minute runs you can probably slowly jog the 5k on your race day.
    In terms of running... don't add too much to your mileage to your workouts per week. That increases your risk of injury. Do the best you can on the program before your race, take the day off the day before the race to rest. Then slowly go for it.
  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    Running in an organized race (or run) is different than training, and for me the excitement and energy of the other runners makes a huge difference. I bet you will be just fine running the 5k distance--maybe not the fastest runner but you'll probably run over the finish line smiling. Be careful that you don't start out too fast. And have fun!