HELP - all exercise minimal weightloss

At present i am about 152ish lbs, which at 5'8" isn't excessive, however i would like to get down to about 145.

During the week i'm very good about my diet and cycle for 2 hours a day, to work and back (loads of hills) so normally consume about 1600/1700 calories which leaves me with approx 600+ calorie deficit.

I must admit i do tend to eat a bit more unhealthily at the weekends but i wouldn't have thought this would make too much of a difference, as i do a lot of exercise.

The first week i lost 9lbs, then 5lbs, then i managed to gain 2lbs and this morning I've lost less than a lb. My stomach feels tighter but my waist and hip measurements haven't changed since week two.

BASICALLY is this normal? is there anything else i could be doing to shift the weight, or did i get over excited by my initial drastic weight loss and am now not being realistic....

I don't think the whole starvation mode is coming into play, maybe i'm just enjoying my weekends a bit to much!


  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it too much. The 9lb and 5lb losses that you started off with aren't normal at the weight levels where you are (fairly close to your goal weight) and are almost certainly quite a lot of water weight. If you're looking at about a 600 calorie deficit per day, this works out to 1.2lbs loss per week. If you have an extra 700 calories on the weekend, then a 1lb loss sounds just about right to me.

    I'd stick with what you're doing and monitor it over the next couple of weeks - if the weight loss is slowing or stopping, you may need to take a closer look at your weekends and the amount you're consuming on those days. A few too many drinks or bad meals can kill your week's calorie deficit.

    However, it sounds to me like you're doing a great job, and a 0.5 to 1lb per week loss should be considered normal in that weight range.