Just a few noticable changes

1. I can cross my legs.......comfortably......It's hard to teach your daughter to "sit like a lady" if you can't even do it
2. Sitting in a car and the seat belt is not pulled to the max
3. I can feel my collar bones- I'm far from skinny still so just to even be able to feel a bone is somewhat exciting to me!
4. I am not wearing the biggest clothes in the store anymore. I can't wait to cut up that Lane Bryant card and throw it on their counter and say "Sorry but your clothes are TOO BIG for me"!!!!
5. I have dropped an entire shoe size. Guess the weight had to go somewhere...
6. I wore a REAL bathing suit this past weekend....and no, not a skirted bottom either!!!!!!!!!!! First time in 10+ years. and Yes, The tops of my thighs are burnt......this also excites me! :)

7. Last but certainly not least.....WHO KNEW I HAD DIMPLES?????? They have been "hidden" for so long......oh how I welcome them back......WATCH OUT WORLD....HERE COMES CARMEN!!!!!!!!!

So - what are some things you have noticed? Good, Bad, Different?



  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Just looked at your pictures Wow you look younger too.. well done you :flowerforyou:
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    That's amazing! Go you!!!!
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    That is so awesome! Congrats :)
  • yankeefamily05
    1.) I can bend over comfortably to paint my toenails and strap my sandles, before I was huffing n puffing!

    2.) I too have lost a shoe size, it is crazy!

    3.) Excited to see and feel my collarbone again. I can feel it but its not quite poking through yet.

    4.) Yesterday I was able to go go carting, before I wouldn't have fit in the seat!

    5.) My legs used to be something I was really insecure about, but my calves and thighs are becoming very muscular and lean!
  • yankeefamily05
    1. I can cross my legs.......comfortably......It's hard to teach your daughter to "sit like a lady" if you can't even do it
    2. Sitting in a car and the seat belt is not pulled to the max
    3. I can feel my collar bones- I'm far from skinny still so just to even be able to feel a bone is somewhat exciting to me!
    4. I am not wearing the biggest clothes in the store anymore. I can't wait to cut up that Lane Bryant card and throw it on their counter and say "Sorry but your clothes are TOO BIG for me"!!!!
    5. I have dropped an entire shoe size. Guess the weight had to go somewhere...
    6. I wore a REAL bathing suit this past weekend....and no, not a skirted bottom either!!!!!!!!!!! First time in 10+ years. and Yes, The tops of my thighs are burnt......this also excites me! :)

    7. Last but certainly not least.....WHO KNEW I HAD DIMPLES?????? They have been "hidden" for so long......oh how I welcome them back......WATCH OUT WORLD....HERE COMES CARMEN!!!!!!!!!

    And congrats on the weightloss! You are doing great!

    So - what are some things you have noticed? Good, Bad, Different?

  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    First off you look GREAT!

    Things I've noticed on me: I had to stop wearing my wedding band until I can have it resized, I'm afraid it will fall off and get lost.
    I have dropped 2 pants sizes from an 18 to a 14 and had to change where I shopped (oh darn, haha)
    I too have collar bones!!!!!!!!
    I don't have to "suck in my muffin top" to put on pants :) The muffin top, is a mini muffin top hoping to be a NO muffin top soon! :)
    I see more veins in the hands and arms.
    I can cross my legs again! :) ( I have 3 boys, so I don't have to teach them how ACT like a lady, just how to TREAT a lady)

    my profile pic was taken at my 50 pound mark, so at my 60 pound I wlll update it again.