OMG! Really!?!



  • angie_04
    angie_04 Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks for all the replys guys:wink:
    It has actually made me feel better nd put me in a better mood than I WAS in...I think one of my hold backs, oh geez, is my kids...Yep, i said it!! I don't mean anything bad towards them, but by the time Bella has cried nd throwed fits all day, nd Brennan has drove me crazy with not going to bed til 12 am(now that school is out), I'm just spent:yawn:

    I'm gonna have to suck it up nd quit complaining nd just exercise my arss off nd make better food choices nd quit making excuses:explode:

    Will start 30 day shred 2nite(even if it's 2am)
    I CAN DO IT:bigsmile:
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hey, fellow Angie! Is it because maybe you've been eating a little naughty? I stop logging my foods and go on the sneak when I've had a particularly... yummy day. :(
    I'm getting more comfortable with logging that kind of stuff, though. Because if your diary's open and people see it, they'll just encourage you that tomorrow's a new day and to bounce back and eat better/work it off!
  • minskugga
    minskugga Posts: 5
    I still eat good but I haven't exercised in 3 weeks! I feel really horrible mentally and physically! I messed up my back 3 weeks ago and that's what started it but it's better now and I have no excuse!
  • jessbennett1986
    hello! I have been there, done that. I've actually now admit to a binge eating problem that is an eating disorder. Here is what happens to most people when they “go on a diet”. They restrict their calorie intake and then also avoid all of those foods they have been used to eating. They may do really well for a few months, or in my case a week(lol) and have great results! But your body doesn't recognize that you are putting good food with less calories to help it. It thinks you are restricting it. So like most teenagers what does it do? It does the opposite of what you want it to do. It cranks the hormones on high and sends signals to your brain that you NEED that junk food. That it tastes better, that you are too tired to cook, ect. The fact may very well be that you are very tired, that's why you give in. Or maybe you are bored with the food because you haven't really found a good variety of healthy food that you like. Or maybe you like the thrill of being bad! As
    contradicting as it sounds that's really part of the reason why people fall off track. When you eat “bad” food your brain is flooded with endorphins that give you a high because
    that particular food was forbidden by you. Then you continue to eat bad until you snap
    out of the trance that your brain has put you under and then feelings of failure and
    remorse kick in. This is true for many people including myself. Here is what I do to help
    cope with this problem and overcome it.

    1.) stop thinking it's a diet and more of a life change
    2.) stop forbidding yourself those bad foods.
    3.) when you do binge forgive yourself and move on
    4.) record what you eat and what you are feeling at that time
  • jessbennett1986
    Start thinking of it as a lifestyle change.what I mean by not denying yourself the food you want is that if you think it will help have a cheat day once a week. Or if you want to try to encorporate that forbidden food into your diet then do so! I love chips so I still have them almost everyday, just in the right amount and right calories that my lifestyle change used to be chocolate for me so I would keep a bag of mini reeses cups and have what my leftover calories that day was. Make it different everyday if you want. Do what you have to do in order to succeed! Before mfp I was 175 lbs after having my child. I got down to 168. But was stuck there. I then decided to eat what my body wanted in smaller amounts and got down to 155. Now I eat healthier food I like with a snack or meal that isn't so healthy but in my calorie range. I've also started a journal and have come to level grounds with myself and has helped me stop beating myself up for having a bad day and realizing today is a new day and I'm in control and will eat what I want. I'm now at 147 and feel much better! Reading what I'm feeling when I have a binge has also helped me face my problems instead of eating them. Forgive yourself, forget what you did the day before, and try your best! Sorry so long. Friend me if you want!
  • shonniegrl
    shonniegrl Posts: 22 Member
    I am having the same problem. A few weekends ago, I went out of town on a "girls" trip and ate like crap!! That next Monday, I went right back to my gym routine (4-5 days a week), but I have been having a REALLY hard time getting my eating back on track! I am currently working on "The Beck Diet Solution Workbook." Today is my first day. My nutritionist recommended it to me. It isn't a "diet", but it is cognative therapy to change my thinking about food. Hopefully this will work. I will let you know.

    Hang in there...You are not alone!!