"That Guy" at work



  • jad54
    jad54 Posts: 192
    There's a guy in my office that has way too much energy and talks like he's still in college(he's 34). He'll say things like "Broseph, did you close them or not? We need a reason to celebrate at happy hour tonight" and "Where are we gonna make the ladies lucky tonight?" Now I don't mind talking like that every once in awhile, but that's the way he talks about 90% of the time. On top of that, I've gone out for drinks with him maybe twice, yet he thinks we're best friends because we are both from Chicago. His breath also kicks like Shinobi making it even worse.

    We got him with the icon trick a few weeks ago. The look on his face when he sat down at his computer was priceless.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    We used to have a "That guy" until he thankfully quit. He knows everything about everything, knows everyone, knew them first, knows them better, and he's done everything and did it way before it was cool to do it, and there's nothing you can't tell him.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    There's a guy in my office that has way too much energy and talks like he's still in college(he's 34). He'll say things like "Broseph, did you close them or not? We need a reason to celebrate at happy hour tonight" and "Where are we gonna make the ladies lucky tonight?" Now I don't mind talking like that every once in awhile, but that's the way he talks about 90% of the time. On top of that, I've gone out for drinks with him maybe twice, yet he thinks we're best friends because we are both from Chicago. His breath also kicks like Shinobi making it even worse.

    We got him with the icon trick a few weeks ago. The look on his face when he sat down at his computer was priceless.

    We have a Douchey McDoucheyPants in my office too. Blech.
  • Unbreakable360
    ..."that guy" is sort of majority of the people in my office...nothing bad...but seriously....if I get called "bro" one more time...somebody is gonna get a karaze karate chop to their neck...lol...
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    That Guy is my boss. He is totally co-dependent, can't make a decision without my approval, and cannot do one damn thing for himself. He also texts me constantly when it's after hours, like I seriously have no life. But, I also have him wrapped around my finger, and he gives me whatever I ask for, so I guess it's a trade off.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    I worked at an office with quite a few men and one of the inspectors was always trying to get me into bed with him. He kept pitching his idea for us to be " friends with benefits". He promised it would be " our little secret". Since I would rather hang upside down by my toenails and have a skunk spray at me than to be with him, I turned him down! I guess I could have reported him but since I viewed him as a lonely and horny little troll I just let it go!

    That's my " that guy" story!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member

    Annoying bonus..his kid is allergic to everything and he is constantly saying how kids should'nt be allowed to bring things in his son's classroom that contains allergy contents (which includes peanut butter, eggs, nuts, wheat, tomatos and strawberries!)

    Thankfully none of my children have any allergies but if they did I would be grateful for this. The schools around here the only ban is that any treats for for parties/holidays can not be homemade they need to be purchased with a nutrition label . It annoys me only because I can make healthier versions of things but its just as easy to bring in a fruit/veggie tray.

    Sorry not meant to be an attack on you but these allergies in children can be fatal so I just put myself in another parents shoes.
  • tweezer17
    tweezer17 Posts: 11 Member
    Too many "that guy"s here to count!!!!!

    That guy who used to be cool but threats everyone like poo now.

    That guy who always tells you yes, but never actually fixes anything.

    That guy who thinks he is way smarter than you and thinks you should be able to fix your own computer.

    That girl who refuses to take direction even though she has been doing her job for a few months and you have been doing it for a few years.

    Oh so many!