Eating before workouts in the morning



  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    I've read differing views on this. Some say you must eat before working out, other say working out after fasting burns more calories. I don't know the answer and think everyone's different. I take medicine in the morning that must be on an empty stomach. Since I don't have enough time to take it, wait, eat and then work out, I keep my morning work out lite. A 30-45 min walk, some yoga, etc. My heavy work out is after work a couple of days a week. I find this has worked well for me. The morning walk gives my matabolism a good boost to start the day. I would say that if you must eat, then keep it to a piece of fruit and protien like peanut butter. I think a heavy breakfast will weigh you down.
  • MissThalia
    Morning work outs rock! I hope you enjoy the change in schedule. There is a lot of discussion about this topic whether or not to eat before a workout and what to eat. Are you looking for fat loss or muscle gain?
  • cupcakecarnivore
    I usually just grab a handful of almonds before I go workout in the morning because Im way to tired that early in the morning;) When I get back though, I make a green monster shake!

    1/2 cup soy milk
    1/2 cup green yogurt
    1 banana
    tbsp chia seeds
    handful of spinach
    ---throw some ice along with all this into a blender!

    Sounds so gross....but you can't taste the spinach at all and keeps me full for a really long time!
  • Angeloftheshore
    Angeloftheshore Posts: 227 Member
    I get sick if I eat to close to working out so I eat afterwards. I have never had an energy problem but I am sure ready to eat after lol.