Not falling back to old habits when disaster strikes...

ksdickha Posts: 2
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
What do you do to keep yourself from falling into old bad eating and fitness habits when disaster strikes. In the past few days I have found out that my father has cancer; and within six months ago my mom has a rare blood disease. I am trying to do better for myself but I find myself falling into bad eating habits. I am trying to avoid falling back into my old habits, but also craving comfort food and sleep. Any advise?


  • jen31889
    jen31889 Posts: 121
    Keep your head up. Keep eating healthy and doing good for you. Your parents will see you happy and successful and that will help them. Parents always enjoy seeing their children happy. Good attitude helps with healing :)
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Wow, that is really tough. I would take it one day at a time. Remind yourself of the great habits you have worked hard to build and rely on them to help you through it. If you have a bad day, commit to yourself that you won't repeat it tomorrow. If you feel stressed, go for a walk or workout rather than reach for food. If you need to sleep, sleep, but commit to still getting a work out in.

    Exercise and eating healthy will help you weather the storm more than you know. Good luck to you and your family. My prayers are with you!!!:flowerforyou:
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    You've realized that WHY you want to eat is because you're stressed/sad/worried etc. Now that you know that, only eat at regular times, and things you would normally eat. Don't let your emotions take over and don't stuff them down with food. You have to be concious of WHY you want to eat. Are you hungry, or are you feeling stressed about your dad? Have you not had your snack this afternoon & you need to nibble, or are you just worried about your mom, etc.

    Whenever you feel hungry, sit down and figure out WHY you're hungry. Is it a time you should be hungry, is it nearing dinner, have you not eaten lately etc. If not, are you just feeling blue? Anytime you want to eat, evaluate why first. I do this and it helps me a lot. Also, to blow off steam, I go for a quick run, even if it's just until I feel okay again.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. This has been a hard year for me and sometimes the stress and worry makes me want to eat whatever and whenever I want. I suggest planning out your meals the day before so you know exactly what you can eat. Get any "bad" foods out of the house. Donate them or throw them away. Make sure you have small snacks around for when a craving hits. I like having chocolate crunch Quaker rice cakes, they have the sweetness I want but none of the calories. Then when things get really stressful, think about the people you love and how happy they will be to see you succeed in living your healthy lifestyle. Make them your inspiration. Trust me, your parents want you to be healthy and happy. Seeing you succeed will give them a sense of well being as well. Good luck to you and your family during this trying time.
  • Jillian1104
    Jillian1104 Posts: 119 Member
    First of all, so sorry to hear your bad news.

    I really think that it depends on the person, and what you are currently going through. When I'm craving comfort food, I look at my pre-weight loss pictures, and try to equate the comfort food with looking the way I did. If that doesn't work, I'll try different things, such as going for a walk, or riding my bike to get out of the house.

    That being said, it is okay to indulge with some of your comfort foods, as long as you eat them within reason.

    Hope this helps a little for you, and wishing your mom and dad the best. I know what it's like to have cancer in the family. Not fun.

    Good luck to you!
  • tuscaroragal
    tuscaroragal Posts: 78 Member
    I can understand the falling back into old's tough to be discplined when you are worried, stressed or challenged. The only way I have found is to stay connected to why I am doing this in the first's for doesn't do me any good to throw all my hard work out the window just because life is throwing me some gentle with yourself...if you have a bad eating day or skip working out, make a committment to get back on track the next day. It isn't , and never should be, about perfection. Life isn't like that, even on the best days. We are all human and we all have times we struggle...don't beat yourself up, just re-adjust your goals and do your best to stay on track! :) Best of luck....
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    I've also had a bunch of things like that to trigger bad behavior. I just keep telling myself life is full of dramatic issues, some way worse than others. Your whole life may be one thing after another and you can't use that as an excuse for bad behavior or you'll always be "cheating". I believe people like me have an eating disorder. It's no different than an alcoholic. What if you were an alcoholic and you thought that it was okay to have a drink because your Dad is sick, or you got fired from your job, etc. It's definitely not easy. At the end of the day, there is no excuses.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I know it is hard but as a parent the last thing you want is to upset you children. Be there for them but take care of yourself so you can be at your best when they need you the most. You and your family are in my prayers
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I think that exercise may be the key. Keep moving. Not only will it keep you healthy, it'll help with anxiety and stress. Also it will give you some extra calories to use to nosh on for comfort. Get a pedometer and move as much as you can .... Like in hospital corridors or around the block or before or after eating. Best to you!
  • ksdickha
    ksdickha Posts: 2
    Thank you for all your support and prayers. I will take your advise and try to figure out why I wish to eat and what I can do instead. The hardest thing I am finding is that I am not realizing I am eating until halfway through something. It is a learned habit that I need to UNLEARN!
    Good Luck everybody.
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