Cooking for yourself and someone who isn't dieting



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've found a lot of low fat or low cal substitutes for our favorite ingredients and try to bulk up with veggies instead of starches. Hubby isn't too fussy but he used to be of a mindset that healthy meant tasteless. After making a few things without letting him know beforehand then seeing what he thought and spilling the beans, he started to come around. The only things he won't accept are black beans and spaghetti squash. So I do make a couple recipes just for me and pack them for lunch.

    I'm also in the "no deprivation" camp so I make what I like and am just really careful about portion sizes so I can still stay within my calorie limits (most of the time).
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Same situation here except for the fact the my hubby DOES need to eat healthier! I usually try to make healthy dinners for everyone, when I can but, sometimes they want hamburgers and fries, so I just have my hubby throw a couple of veggie burgers on the grill for me instead of hamburgers. I also, have him grill turkey dogs in place of hot dogs. Plus, I use Arnold's thin sandwich buns instead of regular sandwich and hot dog buns, and I substitute steamed veggies or a salad in place of fries. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    My wife and I are both changing lifestyle, and eating habits, so its VERY to cook for her. Even when I have friends over, I cook what we need to be eating and they never know that I am serving them healthy food. lol.

    I am a native of New Orleans, and grew up with a love for good food, and cooking is a passion of mine. when we started to eat right, I just modified my recipes to fit in with our diet needs. I am 100% against the idea that because you are changing what you are eating that you have to eat boring food with no flavor. the good news is that I love creating and experimenting in the kitchen and I am developing quite a collection of new recipes that are quite healthy. I should actually write some of them down someday.

    even our "cheat" meals are getting healthy, I made a smoked tomato and poblano bisque about a week ago. it was only about 200 calories to a bowl, but FELT like a very indulgent treat. they ate just about every drop and I barely had to wash the pot by the time we were done. lol
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I don't make separate meals or high fat dishes for the non-dieting people in my house. Everyone gets the "healthy" stuff, just more of it, if they don't need to lose weight.

    We have fairly simple meals...meat, carb (small potato, brown rice, whole wheat pasta), lots of veggies, and a salad. Just vary the sauces, the seasonings and the condiments....

    Anyone that doesn't like it is welcome to cook their own dang meals.
  • candysh0p
    candysh0p Posts: 23 Member
    I live with my parents, but the only meal we have together is dinner. Since they're home quite late, I've usually eaten before. If I cook them something, I find it really easy to resist trying whatever I'm making and I have a lot of fun with it. It's nice not having to think about protein/carbs/calories so I end up going a bit overboard with the ingredients but they like it!

    They're completely fine with this. Sometimes I'll just make my own meal around the same time, they're used to the way I eat which is really helpful.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I don't make separate meals or high fat dishes for the non-dieting people in my house. Everyone gets the "healthy" stuff, just more of it, if they don't need to lose weight.

    We have fairly simple meals...meat, carb (small potato, brown rice, whole wheat pasta), lots of veggies, and a salad. Just vary the sauces, the seasonings and the condiments....

    Anyone that doesn't like it is welcome to cook their own dang meals.

    *standing and applauding*!!!!
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I will occasionally make my family something extra that they love and I won't eat. Like boxed mac n cheese. But for the most part if they don't like what I'm making then they either need to give me suggestions for dinner or go make their own. My hubby usually just eats bigger portions. The other night I made pork carnitas and he didn't want anything to do with it so he ate left overs. If we didn't have left overs he would have just eaten it lol. I'm not on a diet really I'm just trying to eat healthier.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Hey ya'll. Just curious if any of you find this challenging. My fiance is not on a diet, nor does he need to be. Do any of you find it difficult to cook a meal that sticks to your weight loss goals but satisfies the other person as well? He is awesome and will eat anything I put in front of him without complaint, but I feel bad if I don't make more than a salad!

    why are you only eating salads? I have fish with veggies, shrimp coctails, chicken with veggies, sometimes I have rice instead of veggies
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Holy crow. When i was 15 I went vegetarian and my mom's response was, 'you don't want meat, cook it yourself' and I've totally adapted that. Now, i'm single and occassionally cooked for a roommate, but when I visit my family and cook they eat what I make, it's how my family functions. if someone wants something else, they're making it. Especially if they're grown@ss people.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    I had this happen to me and my 1st husband. I became a vegetarian and he didn't. I used to make 2 separate meals for us. But I realized that he would eat what I would eat. From then on out, I'd make what I wanted for myself and make him a steak. Happiness reigned in the house. Cook for you beau as you would for yourself and make him a steak or extra chicken or something.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    Hey ya'll. Just curious if any of you find this challenging.

    not anymore, no. The way I solved that problem in BASIC

    10 print "Hey, I'm making X for dinner...want some?"

    20 input = y

    30 If y ="yes", then Make More Food.

    40 If y ="no", then print "ok then, good luck!".

    Generally speaking, my wife and I both make our own food now =D.