my cals

Hey y'all! i just went with everything that mfp recommended for me in the beginning. it was 1800 cals to lose 2 lbs a week... i thought that was pretty good, but ive been noticing a LOT of ppl are at 1200 cals and i just feel like a pig when im looking at their stuff and complaining about being hungry still LOL! i mean it is a big improvement for me, because i was on a downward slope, eating a Ton of food and gaining weight steadily! if i hadnt stopped it, im sure i'd be over the 250 mark towards 300 by now, so i am slowly steering this ship and turning it around! just wondering about it though... like i said, just feel so guilty that i have so many cals compared to others :/


  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Everybodys daily calories are different. It depnds on how active you are & how much weight you wanna lose. Dont compare yourself to anybody else... its w.e works for you!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    If you are losing weight and still able to eat, go for it! No 2 people are alike:bigsmile:
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Hi there.
    Don't feel guilty or compare yourself. Your body is different from others and MFP will guide you on the best plan for you. As you lose weight, MFP will adjust your calorie goal (because as you get smaller you will need fewer calories). For now, enjoy the small changes and keep making small steps toward your goal.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    It totally depends on what their maintenance cals are - when I started losing (389 lbs) I had a maintenance calorie intake of over 4,000 a day - so I could eat 3,000 a day and still lose over 2lbs a week..

    Now my maintenance is 2,760 a day - which is both awesome and a pain lol - because now I can find myself actually hungry on days where I've done EVERYTHING right lol :shrugs:

    I wouldn't worry about it - just do what is right for you hon - it is the samart and healthy way
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    No no no! You are perfect! Everyone has different calorie goals, and technically, 1200 is the minimum you can eat without starving yourself. :) You have a great daily goal... just do what you do and everything will be great! ^ 3^
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I aim to eat 1700 calories every day. You can check my diary out too, so you can see. Everyone is different, and if you tried to only eat 1200 calories a day you would be miserable, hungry, and probably go into starvation mode. Follow MFP guidelines that are set out for you. Not what someone else is doing. :flowerforyou:
  • 916SAC
    916SAC Posts: 39
    I need to be at 1200 cals per day, which is not really much and I can eat that much for lunch or dinner. But I guess as long as I am burning it I should be ok to go over 1200?
  • sreece13
    sreece13 Posts: 12
    My calorie allowance is 1200, but I have found that it tends to be too low for me...especially when I first started out. Eating closer to 1500 seemed to give my body what it needed to boost weight loss. Now I am shooting for burning 300 calories a workout so that I can eat 1500 calories a day and still be at a "net" of 1200 a day. I wouldn't say that the calorie allowance is an exact science because we are all so different. If 1800 a day is working for you then I would stick with it...later on once you have lost more weight, it can always be adjusted!!! Congrats on your weight loss!!!
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    Thank you all!!!! :) Great advice and encouragement.. you all are awesome! and so is mfp!! so happy to finally be on my way ;)