Home Work Outs



  • Probably TMI but I do my workouts in my sports bra and underwear. Seeing my body as I am working out is the best motivator to keep going!

    Thats so awesome. Best tip yet. :)
  • luvmybentley
    luvmybentley Posts: 74 Member
    I hate the gym, don't like sharing equipment with sweaty people. Got a good set up at home.

    I have a treadmill in front of the TV. I record my soap opera daily, and after work I walk/run for the hour. Last weekend I was unmotivated, but decided to just get on it and walk for 20 min...kids put in a movie and before I knew it I had finished my first 10K (took almost 2 hours...but I did it! Burned 1200 calories according to my HRM) Now I plan to add a 10K movie every weekend :) I need the TV to distract me. Some days I'll do a video too...30 day shred and Reebok Step Aerobics with dumbells are my faves because I can get some strength training in too.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Do you have a Wii? EA Active 2 for the Wii has a three week and a 9 week work out schedule and it is fantastic. That is how I got started and loved seeing that I was making progress.

    Good luck!
  • YouTube is my best friend. I've got Zumba, 30 Day Shred (I like this one enough that I'm ordering the DVD tomorrow) and beginner Yoga on it, plus some videos from the girl on bodyrock.tv (I think that's what it's called). I do whatever I feel like doing that day and can do multiple videos to get a full workout in.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    For me i have been setting myself monthly challenges at home exercises that take all of a few minutes as i find i get bored with the exerise dvds after a while.
    Here's an example of my challenge for this month, i have it printed out and stuck on my fridge and mark it off during the day as and when i complete an exercise. I wil change it again next month.

    Month Exercise Challenge 20th june- 10th july
    1) 100 sit ups
    2) 30 push ups
    3) jumping jacks (each time tv advert comes on)
    4) 20 minute walk 3 days a week
    5) 10 stomach vacuums per day
    6) 30 minutes of weights 3 days a week
    7) 15 minutes running on the spot
    8) 15 minutes on exercise bike
    9) 10 minutes up and down stairs 3 days a week
    10) Drink 2 litres of water per day don't sit for longer then 30 minutes at a time.

    I like your idea of mini exercises throughout the day!
  • iluminadaonix
    iluminadaonix Posts: 79 Member
    I am about 200% more likely to blow it off in the evening than the morning. I put my workout clothes on the dresser the night before and a water bottle in the fridge. I put the video I want in the player. When I get up in the morning, I am kind of brainless. I take advantage of that by mindlessly following the script I set out for myself the night before. I feel invigorated for the day rather than facing the workout after a long day at work.
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