5'8" and 134 pounds...



  • I am 5ft 8in and before kids I was 114. I was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY TOO THIN!!!! (couldn't help it, was my metabolism) At 5ft 8in, the minimum healthy weight is 129! Anything under that and you are considered underweight which is NOT healthy!!!

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I'm 5'0" and my ideal weight is 118 lbs. That is when I am working out regularly and have a lot of muscle mass, so if I was less muscle, maybe I'd be okay with 110. But I am a whole lot shorter than you. And I have to say, I look pretty smokin' at 118 :wink:

    Out of curiosity, where did you get this goal? It sounds a bit low, but I'm no expert.
  • Your current weight is perfect, a little low, but perfect. You just have to do the right type of exercises if you want to be more toned. I do a boot camp style workout: mixing up between 30, 45, 60 sec. intervals of 10 exercises with a 10 sec. rest between each. Then cardio and 2 more rounds. That has gotten my body in GREAT tonned condition. It only takes an hour. (I'm 5'3", 125)
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    yeah that is going to be a little low... and even if 118 is at the bottom of your range, you are going to have to meticulously watch everything you eat for the rest of your life to stay that low.

    another option to not gaining fat back after you reach your goal is to build a little muscle, but then again, a square inch of muscle weights more than a square inch of fat....

    so you may actually end up gaining a pound or two after a months of lifting, and this too will make you heavier than 110 pounds...

    It sounds to me like you should probably pick a more realistic goal.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    Some people just really like the waif look. Some people want to be willowy. An equal BMI for me, at 5'5 1/2" would be 102lbs. Hey, I'm not saying I'm ever going to get there but if I could, I sure wouldn't complain. I've been that thin before.

    Studies have shown that people who maintain a low weigh throughout most of their lives live the longest.

    True, its not healthy to have anorexia or anything.

    I just think its really funny how critical people can be of someone who is very thin, or wants to be very thin, and yet to say anything about how bad it is to be overweight is so much more taboo. Its kinda not fair. Show everyone equal support and respect.
  • whitbran
    whitbran Posts: 45
    For me to get back into my Modeling, I need to be between 110-115, I figured 110 would give me that 5 pound cushion, but I will try to lose 10 pounds first, and see what I think.

    Thank you so much for all of your responses.

    I will re-evaluate at 124.

  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Some people just really like the waif look. Some people want to be willowy. An equal BMI for me, at 5'5 1/2" would be 102lbs. Hey, I'm not saying I'm ever going to get there but if I could, I sure wouldn't complain. I've been that thin before.

    Studies have shown that people who maintain a low weigh throughout most of their lives live the longest.

    True, its not healthy to have anorexia or anything.

    I just think its really funny how critical people can be of someone who is very thin, or wants to be very thin, and yet to say anything about how bad it is to be overweight is so much more taboo. Its kinda not fair. Show everyone equal support and respect.

    I didn't read any critical responses here. The people on this thread were stating the fact that this weight is underweight at that height.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    5'8" and 110 is too thin... unless your body frame is very petite/slight. For most of us, that would be a very unhealthy goal. I am 5'7" and 135. I'd love to be 128 or 130 -- MAX.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Im 5 ft 3 and 110 and I wouldn't want to weight a pound less,as thats the lower end for my bmi.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I'm 5'10" and when I was in high school (same height) I got really sick and got down to about 110-115 and I looked so deathly thin it was gross. I know you are two inches shorter, but if I looked like I was dying I was so thin, I would advise you to take a second look at your weight goal. Like others have suggested, maybe look at just lowering your body fat and toning versus losing so much weight.
  • A lot depends on your age and your body structure (build), but I agree with allaboutty - I'm 5'9" and, although I've gotten quite heavy over the past 7-8 years and I have quite a bit still to lose, I remember when I was at 137 (age 33) and everybody kept telling me I was WAY too thin. I would say that at 134 lbs, you probably don't need to lose any weight . Maybe what you're feeling is a lack of definition - like you mentioned - so maybe some toning exercises would help you feel better. Remember, though, that exercise will build muscle - which adds weight to the scale, but that doesn't mean you're "gaining"! Something I always struggled with - even when I was at 130 lbs in my 20s - was that, being tall, I always felt "big" compared to everyone else. You can't compare yourself to some petite little thing who wears a size 2 when she's only 5'2" tall and you're 5'8". You know what I mean? You'll probably never wear a size 2 because your bone structure is larger than that. Check your BMI - if it's in the healthy range you shouldn't be focusing on losing weight - focus on defining your body and eating healthy. Make sure your body image is realistic and don't believe any voices in your head that tell you to compare yourself to an unrealistic standard. Skin and bones isn't beautiful - a healthy, toned body and a bright smile is!
  • emoritz2
    emoritz2 Posts: 27
    I wouldn't say they were critical responses, but there's definitley some judgement being thrown around that if you're say 5'8" and under 135, you're too skinny. I can tell you right now that at 135 I am not too skinny. My body shape more naturally lends itself to weighing around 130 or a little under when I'm in shape and eating healthy. I also have no curves, never did, never will (even at my heaviest of 155). So blanket statments made that anything under 134 for 5'8" is misleading, it really depends on your body shape.
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Hey hun,

    Im 5"7 and any lower than 133 and my friends think Im too skinny, including my family.

    Im a makeup artist, and work with models a lot, and know exactly where youre coming from, when all the working models are a certain size....but defo re-evaluate that one!!! Sometimes its easy to get sucked into the industry we work in, forgetting whats actually healthy and the norm for certain heights.
    Does that make sense?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    She also said she wants to model.. and for most models they have to be sticks.

    I'm around your height hun and I'm shooting for 150.. 140 if I feel ambitious.

    I'd consult your doctor about this plan and make sure that he is supervising you during it so that you don't get sick or anything.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    I really hate the 'modeling industry'. No wonder women have all these issues regarding our bodies.

    In no way do I mean any offense to anybody. Just my opinion.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Yup, I think what this thread really show us is the problem with the modelling profession.
  • becksini
    becksini Posts: 17 Member
    Im 5'6'' and im 108 and its not too hard! just eat a SUPER clean diet because once you have a lot of sweets it all comes back. I had one "binge" (a candy bar and small slice of cake) and the next day i had gained weight, but one i started eating clean again my tiniest jeans (0) fit again! good luck! :)
  • I am 5'8" as well... and would love to be 134... but really just shooting for 145... I don't think 110 would even look good on someone who is 5'8".... agreeing with most everyone here.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    For me to get back into my Modeling, I need to be between 110-115, I figured 110 would give me that 5 pound cushion, but I will try to lose 10 pounds first, and see what I think.

    Thank you so much for all of your responses.

    I will re-evaluate at 124.

    I'd also have to agree with everyone else out there. I'm 5'-8" & my lowest waivered from 115-120, but pretty consistant at 120. In heinsight, I think 120 was even pushing the low side. I felt the most comfortable at about 125.... Best of luck to you! And feel free to add me if you're looking for support & motivation :)
  • jane130
    jane130 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'8.5" and currently weigh 136. If you really want to be that thin, I would say try for 124 and see if you still feel like you have an extra 14 lbs of fat on you. If you do, then keep dieting, if not then I guess that's your answer.
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