28lb to lose.. anyone similiar?

twanks Posts: 3
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support

Just just started of on here, and my first goal is to lose 28lbs.. would lover to hear from people with similiar goals, on how they are/have done it.. I work long hours in quite stressful environment, and any tips on avoiding the snacking on chocolate and crisps appreciated..


  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    Hi, I've been on here just a couple of weeks and wanting to loose 28lbs also. I'm 3lb down in two weeks so on course for my 1.5lbs a week.
  • allaboutty
    allaboutty Posts: 13
    That was my goal. I'm down 11 lbs (although this shows only 8 since I started before I started MFP)
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    So far I'm down 20.2 lbs (14.4 since starting MFP) and I have 35 to go. Lost the 20 with a 1200 calorie diet and exercise: Zumba, walking, 30 Day Shred, and playing dance games on the Kinect.
  • RunWithJess
    RunWithJess Posts: 21 Member
    Yup, I got about 25 to go before I'll be happy!
  • vodkaswigger
    vodkaswigger Posts: 467
    Hiya, ive lost a few pounds already but still have approx 28 to go til i reach my goal, good luck, its a great site full of support and motivation, feel free to add me up amanda xxx
  • beggers7
    beggers7 Posts: 3 Member
    I am definitely similar! I have a 25 lb goal in mind, but I set it higher on MFP for motivation purposes. I could really use some support from this community. I moved to Chicago a year ago & don't have friends or familyi here to keep me motivated. I've been doing roughly a 1600 cal diet over the last 2.5 weeks, but this week I'm starting to cut it down a lot. Healthier options & less of the food!

    I'm anxious to see my progress over the next few months!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    My original goal was 10 pounds and I wasn't sure it could be done. Now that I'm down 6.5 pounds, I think my goal is more like 20.
  • DebbiHE
    DebbiHE Posts: 11 Member
    My goal is to lose 27 lbs. I've been on about a month now and I'm down 9 lbs so far. If you have a strong need to snack try carrots or slices of apples instead, and get rid of the chocolate and chips if possible. If they're not available you alleviate most of the temptation!

    Good luck to you!
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319

    Well my highest weight was 185.5lbs, but before I joined MFP, I had already lost 10.3lbs. Since I joined MFP in March of this year, I have lost 11lbs or so, so I have about 23lbs-24lbs left to lose! Its just a matter of finding a balance!! You can still have the foods you love, but just not as much of them! My biggest downfall was and still is carbs. I hit a plateau soon after beginning. This was because my carbs intake was to high, so I lowered them to 130g per day and I have been consistently been losing since then! I am a hugh chocolate, fudge, toffee, biscuit, cake lover, you name it!! But instead of tucking into a sticky toffee pudding, I have weight watchers toffee yoghurts with Alpen light chocolate and fudge cereal bars! Still super yummy, a quarter of the calories and also packed with fibre!!

    Also I would be wary when adding your exercise in. Unless you have a Heart Rate Monitor (I don't) you cannot guarantee that you have burned all the calories you treadmill etc tells you! So because of that, I wouldn't eat all of you exercise calories back, BUT make sure to eat some of them!! Maybe half or three quarters!

    Good Luck with your journey! Im sure you'll do fine!

    Michelle! :drinker:
  • Hi, I'm wanting to lose about 30. I'm having such a hard time but maybe with a partner on here I can make some progress. Good luck to you!
  • ZannahDia
    ZannahDia Posts: 65
    I need to lose 26 lbs more to get to my goal weight of 130. I started off needing to lose 40 pounds and I'm down 14 pounds in about 5 weeks :)
  • I have 29 to go, seems so far away! Feel free to add me anyone x
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    I've got a little less than 20 to go, but a few weeks ago I had 28 :). As far as the snacking goes, I highly recommend you finding replacement snacks that are healthy - fruits, vegetables. For those "I need something sweet" days, there are lots of 100 calorie pack snacks out there that are quite good, even some with chocolate. Plan your meals so that you allow yourslef a little extra for when those snack attacks happen. Also, drink Lots and lots of water. WHen you feel hungry, drink water. Not only is it good for you, it will also help you to feel full. Eating slowly will also help you to fill up on foods, since it takes the stomach about 20 minutes to realize that you are full, slowing down allows you to feel full sooner and not risk over-eating. Make sure to incorporate exercise into your regular routine, starting off slow then buildign up. I probably get the majority of my exercise from walking - started out walking less than a mile and am now up to 7 miles. Finally, if you get stuck or down on yourself, ask for help. Your freinds willb e happy to encourage you. GOOD LUCK!
  • lidageorge
    lidageorge Posts: 16 Member
    That would be me! My weight loss goal was 25. I am 19 down!!!!
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    I have exactly 28 lbs to lose, and I just can't get myself motivated. I'll log in my breakfast and lunch, but come dinner - I just go crazy and blow the whole day. I joined in November and so far, have not lost a pound. How can I get motivated to lose the weight?
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