Brick Wall

Hi All,

i have hit a brick wall. although im still eating my foods in moderation, my exercise has stopped and motivation drained.

any1 got any tips on re-motivation and a push to keep losing my weight?


  • becksini
    becksini Posts: 17 Member
    You've probably hit a plateau! I'm not 100% sure what to do, but I have heard that switching up your cals will do the trick! You should google what to do! Hope this helped!
  • stucross1987
    stucross1987 Posts: 36 Member
    thanks i just think i need a training partner to keep me going
  • NYgeorgiapeach
    One of my friends hit a brick wall recently. She not only makes sure she has a cheat day (not often but maybe once or twice a month) but now swiches up her workouts regullarily. This keeps her from getting bored.
    I also find that I don't like working at and the only thing keeping me from getting completely bored is variety in my home videos. I would NEVER work out if I had to go to the gym
  • literaryshots
    literaryshots Posts: 66 Member
    Sounds like you need someone to be accountable to? When my workout desire wains, my workout buds force me out of bed; I don't want to let them down. Especially good when you're doing everything right, and nothing seems to be changing.
  • noely1974
    noely1974 Posts: 45 Member
    This probably won't work for every one but i like to treat my self to a new album (arctic monkeys new one is great in my opinion) and then wait till i either go to the gym or get out on the tarmac and crank it up ! it seams to give me great energy especially with cardio.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    I've hit a similar point.. I'm halfway through and have found myself lacking motivation and the will power to carry on..
    I'm trying to find new motivational pics and goals and reminders as to why I'm doing this journey and what I'm going to get out of it at the end..

    you can totally do it!! maybe take a step back and think about what your goals are and why you are doing it :)
  • Normalg
    Normalg Posts: 125 Member
    Yes, a chubby buddy will help, as long ast hey are motivated. I've had several and they are good until they get burned out. Good luck, even it you change them periodically it's good while it last. Maybe find someone at the gym to partner up with.