30/F in PA with 70lbs to lose, looking for supporters!

Hello everyone. I have used the MFP app before but am new to the website. I have alot to lose! I'm not at my highest weight (270 in December of 2007 at my wedding). I worked my way down to 215 in September of 2010...back up to 245 earlier this summer.

I have an incredibly supportive husband and a few friends who are interested in health. I also have some saboteurs!

I'm hoping to finally get a handle on this and figure out whatever needs to be worked on to stay the course!

I'm looking for people to check in on and to check in on me. Sex, location, age, weight to lose are unimportant! Let's be pals and cheer each other on!



  • lindsayfranke
    lindsayfranke Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome Veggieladie

    It's great to see you taking a stand with your weight and working towards your ultimate goal. I am here to support you and help you in any way possible.

    I am working on staying healthy and getting fit with help of mpf and using all extra energy to not eat ice cream! (My personal downfall that I LOVE:smile: )

    Good Luck!