workout suggestion?

zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
Ok, i'm feeling bored. There are no classes on at the gym this morning that take my fancy.

What should I do... I done 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of weights/abs yesterday and need a fresh idea for how to spend my hour today...

getting bored of my workout, i probaby need to get a new program done to keep me interested, but til then, i'm sure someone has a great idea to keep me going.


  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member

    I have something called 'cardio trainer pro' on my phone. It works with my mp3 player. It helps me to dance in intervals - like 3 minutes of low intensity followed by 90 seconds of full intensity. I try to dance for at least half an hour everyday. It doesn't matter what KIND of dance, as long as you've got a heart rate monitor, and get your heart rate in your target zone.