Will I gain by going over?

On Saturday, I was under by 500 calories and then yesterday I was over by 400. Do they even out???

Also, today I went over only by around 50 but I don't count fruit. Will I gain a little bit because of yesterday.

The rest of this month and July will be full of parties, brunches, etc. If I am over and under one day do they balance out or will my body be confused and store it all. Thanks all!


  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Yes, they will balance out.

    Why do you not count fruit, though...? Your body will store that as fat just as quickly as it'd store any other food source as fat assuming you're in a caloric surplus.
  • Yes, they will balance out.

    Why do you not count fruit, though...? Your body will store that as fat just as quickly as it'd store any other food source as fat assuming you're in a caloric surplus.

    Well, I count grapes, bananas, apples, but with cantaloupe, since it is cut up, I have to ballpark and normally I just have a piece or too before going out so I don't consider it. It's just how my crazy brain thinks :P