Just Some Questions...

okay really?
where does the weight go that you lost?
in all seriousness....where does it go?
and how does it go? what makes aperson lose weight?

i dont understand how this week ive lost a pound a day
i eat like 1000-1200 cals im guessing....i dont count really
and ive done 20mins on the treadmill for 200cals a day
and no i dont eat my exersice cals. i think thats dumb to eat more when im TRYing to lose weight and not hungry
no offence anyone.
but its not like im burning 3500 cals a day eiether!
so can someone enlighten me??


  • TheHottestMama
    okay really?
    where does the weight go that you lost?
    in all seriousness....where does it go?
    and how does it go? what makes aperson lose weight?

    i dont understand how this week ive lost a pound a day
    i eat like 1000-1200 cals im guessing....i dont count really
    and ive done 20mins on the treadmill for 200cals a day
    and no i dont eat my exersice cals. i think thats dumb to eat more when im TRYing to lose weight and not hungry
    no offence anyone.
    but its not like im burning 3500 cals a day eiether!
    so can someone enlighten me??
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Well, my understanding is that the weight gets used to fuel your body. So basically it gets burned off like gas in a car.

    Second, it doesn't surprise me that you have dropped weight like crazy your first week, but it will stop. Your body just hasn't caught up to what you are doing to it. You are definitely putting your body into starvation mode. Eventually, you will stop losing and your body will work like heck to keep those pounds that you are trying to lose. If you are eatting 1000 cals a day and working off 200 of them, then your overall intake a day is 800. That is way too low for anyone. I think most people need to be around 1200, but I guess it changes. Do what your goals say on the website and do it now! Plus, can you really keep that up for long? This is about making a lifestyle change. Not doing a crash diet.

    Good luck! You can do this the right way. Take care of your body b/c it is the only one you will have! :flowerforyou:
  • TheHottestMama
    this is not my first week.
    its like my 6? or 7th?
    idk but on the 20th it will be two months.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    someone once posted that the fat doesn't actually GO anywhere, the cells just shrink. SO you never actually lose those fat cells, they just get smaller. Couldn't tell you if that's true or not though.

    what makes a person lose weight? burning more than you take in. ie- eating a deficit, just like MFP instructs you to. Calories in- calories out.

    1000 calories a day is WAYYYYYY too low for you. And eating at a deficit already, you need to eat your excercise calories or else you are literally starving your body. That's what MFP is about, eating healthy and losing weight the right way. Can I ask you, if you don't count your calories, what exactly DO you do here at MFP... that's kind of the point.
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Sorry, I misunderstood! Is this the first week you have gone so low in your calories? I really don't think you can go very long at that rate before your body stops it.
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    That fat cell comment is right -- we all have the same amount of fat cells -- here is how it was explained to me --

    the fat cell is like a little filing cabnet- it that fat cell your store fat energy which the more fat energy you have the bigger that cell gets. as you "burn" that energy the fat cell closes up more - getting smaller.

    losing a pound a day is not that odd, You could have been retaining water for a long time and your body has just now gotten comfortable enough to shed it. Or your motabolism have been kicked into high gear this week for some reason and your body is burning it off.

    You may want to check your goals again because as some people los weight they become more active and then they are burning more calories at rest and you will need to eat more, because down the road your body will adapt and you might plataue
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    i couldn;'t help but to notice, hottestmomma trust me from experience last year i lost over thirty pounds in about 2-3 month period then i just stopped losing weight, well come to find out i was starving myself, i only ate 1200 cal a day, along with a 2mile walk every day, weight training, cardio, the works, sure i lost lots of weight fast but i hit a brick wall and did all that exercise and didn't lose anything for almost 2months, so i gave up.. so here i am doing it again, sure i may not be losing the weight as fast , but atleast i can still be losing the weight avoiding the brick wall all together, trust me eating your exercise calories works. i just want to see you avoid hitting the same brick wall that i hit so that you won't be discouraged and give up, like i did. :flowerforyou:
  • TheHottestMama
    someone once posted that the fat doesn't actually GO anywhere, the cells just shrink. SO you never actually lose those fat cells, they just get smaller. Couldn't tell you if that's true or not though.

    what makes a person lose weight? burning more than you take in. ie- eating a deficit, just like MFP instructs you to. Calories in- calories out.

    1000 calories a day is WAYYYYYY too low for you. And eating at a deficit already, you need to eat your excercise calories or else you are literally starving your body. That's what MFP is about, eating healthy and losing weight the right way. Can I ask you, if you don't count your calories, what exactly DO you do here at MFP... that's kind of the point.

    mostly read the boards and talk to people as motivation.
  • TheHottestMama
    the reason i dont eat my exersise cals is because
    say i burn 400cals at the gym
    i go home and eat a 400cal snack
    that just wipes out my work out
    am i wrong????

    and i dont believe in eating while im not hungry?
    that encourages obesity JUST MY OPINION
    i mean what sense does that make
    im not hungry but let me shove food in my face
    cause i worked out??????
    doeent that sound a little crazy to anyone?????????
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    I hear what you are saying, but the logic just doesn't work for losing weight.

    Eatting when you aren't hungry doesn't necessarily encourage obesity, unless you are eatting 2500 or 3000 calories a day! Trust me, I know! You definitely need to listen to what your body has to say and that includes knowing when your body is telling you that you are starving.

    It doesn't wipe out your workout, because you are still building muscle and doing exactly what your body needs to get healthier.

    Try planning your meals ahead of time, so you aren't left with 400 calories at the end of the day when you aren't hungry. Your body will shut down. 800 calories a day just isn't enough to fuel you.

    I don't think we will be able to convince you here that you just aren't eatting enough. Try talking to a nutritionist or even to a trainer. I am sure they will back up what the site tells you to do and they will be able to explain it in a better way.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    the reason i dont eat my exersise cals is because
    say i burn 400cals at the gym
    i go home and eat a 400cal snack
    that just wipes out my work out
    am i wrong????

    and i dont believe in eating while im not hungry?
    that encourages obesity JUST MY OPINION
    i mean what sense does that make
    im not hungry but let me shove food in my face
    cause i worked out??????
    doeent that sound a little crazy to anyone?????????

    Well lets say you need to eat 1800 calories to maintain your weight, but are only eating 1200, because you want to lose a pound or so a week. Now lets say that each day you burn 400 cals by excercising. That means your body is only getting 800 calories for it's daily functions, which just isn't enough for your body to run on. I don't think you should go home and "shove food in your face" I think you should plan out your day to incorporate those extra calories that you plan to burn. An extra glass of milk, a pear, and a handful of crackers should do it. I'm not saying go pick up a pizza on your way home from the gym or anything, lol. Doing this WON"T cause weight gain because you will still have the 600 calorie deficit. 1800 calorries- 1200 calories= 600 calorie deficit. 1200calorieseaten - 400excercise calories burned+ 400 calories eaten= 1200 calories, which means you STILL have a 600 calorie deficit. It just... works.