Weight Warriors


One of my closest friends and I…

Went shopping today at the mall. And in this one particular store, we both stood side by side in dressing room stalls, trying things on. I am 5’4” and she is 5’9” and she is very thin, but not frighteningly so. She had curves and just is all around beautiful. So you can imagine how much of a squatting toad I feel around her.

Anyway. As I’m trying things on, and hating my body to death in everything I wear, thinking about my short and stocky legs, I hear my friend in the next cubicle-y thing, go “Oh god I look so bad in this.” and starts cutting herself down like I’ve never heard. Complaining about this, and that.

And I reaized…

No matter what size you are, how tall you are, how big your bust size is, what color your hair is, how small your legs/tummy/arms are… It just is hell, for any woman who walks the dreaded walk of a dressing room. Surrounded by mirrors, by sizes, by other women waging the battle against how they look, telling themselves the mirrors make them look good/bad in this or that store. We can’t go anywhere without something or someone to judge us for our bodies.

Anyone that is taking on the psychotic task of trying to improve their bodies…. We are simply Weight Warriors. And I adore you all for your strength.
