gym or home?

Currently I exercise at home. I have lots of videos (only a few that I actually do though), a stationary bicycle, a treadmill, a few hand weights, and a heart rate monitor. So far, so good. I have lost about 13 pounds.

Although I am losing weight at a pretty good pace (about a pound a week) and am getting closer to my goal weight, I feel that it is now time to tone those muscles. Well....actually....I want to do more than tone. I want to eliminate all fat (well....I know that is not possible or healthy, but you know what I mean).

As I get closer to that goal weight, I am concerned that my current routine is due to stall out/plateau soon. Plus, I don't think it will give me the end results that I am looking for. So here is my question: should I join a gym like Bally's (offers a variety of classes and machines and trainer advice) OR do I purchase some DVDs that offer that next level of training (insanity, P90X, Turbo Fire, Metamorphosis, etc.)????

If you have had good luck with any of those DVDs, please let me know. I can only afford one set -- if I go that route.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I admire the fact that you can workout at home. It's impossible for me to even attempt to workout at home, so it's the gym for me. I strongly recommend a trainer unless you are familiar with some routines.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I do a mix. I workout at home on the weekends and the gym during weekdays after work late at night. I prefer going to the gym. I like the weight machines and having plenty of room to do my thing. My living room is rather cramped.
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    gym all the way...I need the classes to stay motivated