bostongirl987 Posts: 104 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
why is it that my boyfriend only eats really unhealthy food in mass quantities, at all hours esp late evening, eats at least 5 times as much as i do, and STILL does not have an ounce of fat on his body??? somebody please explain, this is not fair!


  • bostongirl987
    bostongirl987 Posts: 104 Member
    why is it that my boyfriend only eats really unhealthy food in mass quantities, at all hours esp late evening, eats at least 5 times as much as i do, and STILL does not have an ounce of fat on his body??? somebody please explain, this is not fair!
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    i know its frustrating

    but it doesnt mean he's healthy ... doesnt mean that hes fit...
    he can get heart problems,,, lungs . name it

    i might have some wieght to lose,, but i think i can beat a skinny girls butt anytime if she doesnt work out and eat crap day in day out...

    size doesnt mean anything
  • frithir
    frithir Posts: 179 Member
    Case in point ~ my husband, despite easily out-eating 3 of us put together, can't seem to GAIN weight no matter how hard he tries. Now before you go to get envying him ~ keep in mind he has some serious, chronic health issues including COPD, arthritis and a bum heart:cry: Being skinny truly DOESN'T always equate being healthy.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    His metabolism is probably just faster than yours. It doesn't make him healthy, and it WILL catch up to him.
  • My boyfriend is the same way, and his cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglcyerides are WAY higher than mine, and I am seriously overweight. Some people can just eat like that, but it will catch up to them in other ways. Try to think about it as your body will be healthier, even if it's not necessarily as slim.
  • Ughhh my boyfriend is the exact same way! He eats mass amounts of like everything. He is getting "healthy" now by only eating half a pizza and half an order of crazy bread for dinner now. And he runs triathlons so he is way fitter than I am. Even after not running for 6 months he was faster than I was and I work out regularly! Dumb boys... but now he is terrified of getting the "gut" his father says he put on permanently when he hit 24. My boyfriend has a couple years left on that mark, but it's funny to see him get worked up about it. I am like WELCOME:tongue:
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