Step One... :o)

AussieBroad Posts: 5 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi peeps, :flowerforyou:

This is pretty big step for me… I am usually pretty shy and am very private person. I never used to be and I think that it may be worse than the excess weight!! So is pretty scary putting myself out there. But here it goes...

I started on MFP in January. Was pretty quiet and kept myself to myself and managed to lose just over 10kg between January and April when we went home, I knew that I wouldn't be able to maintain the momentum whilst catching up with friend and family - was 5 solid weeks of dinners out with wine & lunches out with more wine & BBQs and beer and nibbles and vino in the evenings. I managed to keep to eating quite well and we were active while we were away but the regime was pretty much kaput by the time we got back.


It is also now time, I think address the shyness and get back to the person that I used to be...

I have a fair way to go… wish me luck x



  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Hey and welcome back. I wish you aaaall the luck in the world to get your goals and be a much happier and out going person, I know you can do it :)
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    WELCOME BACK!!!! You can and will do it again!!!!!!!!!! I know I've had my set backs and I just joined in January as well!! I jsut keep getting up, putting on my big girl panties and moving forward!!!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
  • AussieBroad
    AussieBroad Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for encouragment... I am not too bummed about putting some back on and am pretty happy that it was only 5kgs. Really expected to come back and find out I had put it all back on!

    Would love to hear what tips have worked for you, how to get the most of MFP and how your journies are going ??

    @ rstycharz I :heart: big girl pants!!

  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Stuff that has worked for me has been little things like getting off the bus a stop or three before I need to and walking more but then bigger things like not saying no to things. I think when some people diet they say "I'm going to ban this, this this and this!" and if it's something you really enjoyed before, why not still have it but control it better? I think - with me anyway - as soon as I say "I'm not allowed chocolate from now on" all I'll think about is chocolate and want it even more! I'm sure you'll find your own tips and tricks as you get back into it though, and do share! :bigsmile:
  • gcumpson
    gcumpson Posts: 39
    First step is the hardest so they say :) I personally think its the best too! You will be awesome if you did it once you can to it again!
  • AussieBroad
    AussieBroad Posts: 5 Member
    I think when some people diet they say "I'm going to ban this, this this and this!" and if it's something you really enjoyed before, why not still have it but control it better? I think - with me anyway - as soon as I say "I'm not allowed chocolate from now on" all I'll think about is chocolate and want it even more!

    I am exactly the same!! I can go weeks if not months without chocolate until I decide I am 'on a diet' then I can't do anything until I have it!! Strange hey!?!

    Good advice about the bus stop too... may need to have a look at the routes and see if I can get a better one for that!

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