serious binge eating..



  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    This was suggested by a yoga master to me when i approached him with this problem. The best way to undo the binge eating ( only if its 1 meal) is to use a laxative ( optional) that night so all the food gets out of the system in the morning. OR fast the next day ( skip breakfast and lunch so that the food you ate the previous evening is all burnt out) and have something light ( low in fats) in the evening.

    If you eat the next morning, our body will use the food that you had for breakfast and all of the fatty food you had the previous night will convert into fats and accumulate in the body.

    I hope this suggestion will help. It always makes me feel better when I do this because I know I cannot quit binge eating. I also enjoy eating like that but I feel better the next day as I know I am doing my best to minimize the effect of all that food.

    All the best!!

    I wouldn't suggest this. During my therapy from a registered dietitician, she informed me that by the time the laxitive works, the food is already digested....and it just makes the waste come out easier. So really...laxitives don't help, despite the common misconception.
  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    okay, so i'm a HUGE binge eater. i'm pretty sure i've linked it to stress and emotinal issues, but for some reason i can't seem to stop it!

    i'm not talking about eating a few chips, or having a bowl of ice cream. i will indulge in a whole meal, usually something TOTALLY unhealthy (fast food, pizza, ramen noodles, cookies), and eat until i feel like i'm going to throw up.

    if you look at my food diary you will see that yesterday i was doing really well. i ate dinner before i went to class at 6 and i got home around 9, and i went and got a 4 pc. chicken strip basket from DQ. WTF! i don't understand. i want to be skinny so bad and after i eat like that all i want to do is cry. i sit there and talk about how much of a failure i am and how disgusting i am and how disgusting it is that i eat so much at one time.

    so has anyone else had this problem? or have any tips or advice for me? i can do really good for usually about 1-3 weeks and then i fall off, have a bad week or 2, and then on again for 1-3 weeks. i want to just be able to consistently eat healthy and exercise and quit the binge eating! i'm so frustrated!

    I understand the feeling. I have binged to the point of actually making myself throw up (not on purpose), then eating again! It's a psychological issue - just like alcoholism. When I finally admitted this to myself I ended up going to a psychiatrist and AA meetings. This has helped me stay "on-the-wagon" for 2 months now! My main focus everyday is controlling my food intake - doesn't really matter if I lose weight so long as I don't binge.
  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    This was suggested by a yoga master to me when i approached him with this problem. The best way to undo the binge eating ( only if its 1 meal) is to use a laxative ( optional) that night so all the food gets out of the system in the morning. OR fast the next day ( skip breakfast and lunch so that the food you ate the previous evening is all burnt out) and have something light ( low in fats) in the evening.

    If you eat the next morning, our body will use the food that you had for breakfast and all of the fatty food you had the previous night will convert into fats and accumulate in the body.

    I hope this suggestion will help. It always makes me feel better when I do this because I know I cannot quit binge eating. I also enjoy eating like that but I feel better the next day as I know I am doing my best to minimize the effect of all that food.

    All the best!!

    This has the potential to become a binge/purge issue. If someone has a serious addiction to binging (not just once or twice but on a consistant basis), then using purge methods will also become an addiction. I don't suggest ever using any sort of purge method ever! Simply admit the mistake, acknowledge what you should really be doing, then move on and do what is right.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Binge eating is not at all unusual. If I were to tell you about some of my binges, they would scare you silly. It probably IS related to stress, or boredom, or any number of emotions that you are trying to suppress. If you can, I strongly advise counseling. Without it I would not have lost the weight I have. And this wasn't the kind of scraping through my past, what did my parents do to me kind of counseling. It's called "Cognitive Behavior Therapy" and it's about changing the way you THINK about things to enable you to reach a result. It is working for me.

    A book that will give you a little overview of this and help you a little (I really did find the one-on-one with the therapist helpful) is called "The Beck Diet Solution" by Judith Beck.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member

    This is my personal feeling...but the yoga master suggested some very unhealthy things. Laxatives and fasting should never be an option in my opinion.

    Thanks for posting that. I totally agree. Laxatives and fasting are just the same as purging and let you think you can "get away with" a binge. The binge behavior has to stop, not find ways to "fix" it after the fact.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    This was suggested by a yoga master to me when i approached him with this problem. The best way to undo the binge eating ( only if its 1 meal) is to use a laxative ( optional) that night so all the food gets out of the system in the morning. OR fast the next day ( skip breakfast and lunch so that the food you ate the previous evening is all burnt out) and have something light ( low in fats) in the evening.

    If you eat the next morning, our body will use the food that you had for breakfast and all of the fatty food you had the previous night will convert into fats and accumulate in the body.

    I hope this suggestion will help. It always makes me feel better when I do this because I know I cannot quit binge eating. I also enjoy eating like that but I feel better the next day as I know I am doing my best to minimize the effect of all that food.

    All the best!!

    No offense to the poster, but you've been given some very bad advice. Yoga instructors are not medical professionals and this is a really bad idea. You cannot undo the damage of a binge by using laxatives to "purge". Laxatives make it easier to go by adding more water to your stools. They don't push the food through your system any faster. By the time you excrete the food, you've already absorbed all of the nutrients and calories.

    Laxative abuse is not any better than the binging which, for some, brings about the use of the laxatives. You're doing your body a disservice by using them when they aren't needed, too. It is actually possible to become addicted to them to the point where you can't go regularly without them. Laxatives should be used sparingly and only when needed.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Here's a book that was recommended to me by a friend who has used the principles in this book to help her overcome her bingeing behaviour ...

    Eating Less: Say Goodbye to Overeating by Gillian Riley

    I just ordered mine today.

    I own the Beck Diet Solution and also the companion workbook, both of which are getting pulled out today. (it helps to read the books rather than put them on the shelf unopened :blushing: )

    Other books to read that my friend recommends are ...

    The End of Overeating by David Kessler
    Refuse to Regain!: 12 Tough Rules to Maintain the Body You've Earned! by Barbara Berkeley

    btw, my friend has lost 109 lbs so far and has gone almost 1 year without a binge!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i would never take laxatives - i was anorexic when i was 14 and i never want to go back to being that way. so anything unhealthy is definitely not the way for me to go. when i want to binge i'm going to start doing something healthy instead. taking a walk, exercising, taking my kids outside, cleaning my house, or calling someone supportive. i think it will help me to let people know around me to try to talk me out of eating.

    i might also pick up some of the books a few of you suggested! i love reading, and if the reading helps me that's even better!! thank you everyone for your positive responses. hopefully i can start eliminating binge eating out of my life for good!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Here's a book that was recommended to me by a friend who has used the principles in this book to help her overcome her bingeing behaviour ...

    Eating Less: Say Goodbye to Overeating by Gillian Riley

    I just ordered mine today.

    I own the Beck Diet Solution and also the companion workbook, both of which are getting pulled out today. (it helps to read the books rather than put them on the shelf unopened :blushing: )

    Other books to read that my friend recommends are ...

    The End of Overeating by David Kessler
    Refuse to Regain!: 12 Tough Rules to Maintain the Body You've Earned! by Barbara Berkeley

    btw, my friend has lost 109 lbs so far and has gone almost 1 year without a binge!
    [/quoteThis book has given me so much insight into my 31 year problem with eating disorders. I have already managed to avoid 2 binges where normally I would have consumed over 1800 calories each time. This is a miracle for me.]
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Agh sorry, my quote is at the bottom of the previous post.