BEST Iced Coffee EVER!



  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    I love love love Mc Donalds sugar free vanilla Iced coffee. But darn, for a large it has 120 cal. Med has 90 cal. So When I have extra calories avail, I do get it for my treat.

    I'm wih you! I work a lot at Starbucks (I'm a GOLD member, I'm there so much), but none of my usual drinks have such a low calorie count.

    BTW, I've seen entries in the MFP database for this Mcdonald's iced coffee that say "half" or "no" it looks like it can be made with less calories by changing the amount of cream they put into it.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    most enthusiastic BUMP ever!

    thanks - i am a huge cold brew fan and posted a question a few months ago about various methods - i've been straining through a paper filter but had heard a lot about those industrial felt ones.

    cheesecloth! (lightbulb goes off!)
  • cori314
    cori314 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you so much!!!! I'll take iced coffee over hot coffee any day! And that website is AMAZING! It has lots of good salad recipes!
  • Ccooper0971
    Ccooper0971 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you soooooo much!! I love ice coffeee... thankfully it doesn't do too much calorie wise.
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120