Hi Everyone

Joined a month back but just strting to use this site proerly now. I think it could be really helpful. I turned 30 recently and it is definately now time to face up to the fact that I eat too much and don't excersise enough and that is way I am overweight and unhappy - lots of changes to be made.

I generally eat a pretty health and varied diet although I do eat too much and and always have a bit of a blow out at the weekends! I have sterted walking to work now which is 25 minutes each way (uphill on the way there and downhill coming back) and have also joined the gym, I went frou times last week and once so far this week. My aim is to keep walking to work the four days a week that i am in and go to the gym 3-4 times a week.

Wish me luck everyone and I look forward to reading all about you guys x