Staying Fit on a Cruise

Sammybunny711 Posts: 92 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all! On Saturday, I am leaving for my FIRST CRUISE EVER!!! I am so excited and I can't WAIT to try all of the delicious meals and see the amazing sights and have tons of fun!

That being said, I've lost 10 pounds and I do not want to sabotage my weight loss just because I go on a cruise. I DO want to enjoy everything I want (within reason) so my question is, in all of your experiences, do you think it is reasonable to go on a cruise and just not GAIN weight? I know I probably won't lose any, but I want to stay the same if possible.

Do the gyms on cruise ships have scales to help you keep track?


  • chunkyb
    chunkyb Posts: 20 Member
    I'll tell you this, it is difficult. They throw so much delicious food at you, its hard to stay on track. But that's all part of the experience.

    I'd say if you visit the fitness center daily, do a lot of walking around the ship and ports, you'll probably be OK. I would advise you not to deprive yourself of the exquisite meals that you will find while on board. But, at the same time, they are not very health-conscious. So, adding in exercise might help you balance out the extra calories you'll be taking in.

    Have a great time on your cruise! you will love it!!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Hope you have fun!
    I did my first cruise last winter. I must admit it was not my thing. I didn't go to the gym on my cruise so I cant answer that question. However the ship I was on ha d abeautiful walking/running track on an upper deck. Usuaully walked around it 10-15 times when I was bored.
    The hardest thing about cruises is that there is food EVERYWHERES! I think I must have gained 3 pounds in the week I was on the ship.
    I would recommended bringing lots of gum to chew on to keep you from munching and give yourself a cut off time for nighttime eating ( icecream and pizza eaten at 2 am does NOTHING for the body-hehe).
    Other then that HAVE FUN! I'd say try to get up early a morning or two and swim a few laps around the pool before it gets busy. If you make it to the gym thats great!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I've honestly never used the gym on a cruise. We're leaving on our 4th next Friday and I'm so excited. I know that many of the cruiselines have decent gyms, as well as classes that you can take. I'm contemplating a stretching & abs class that they offer in the morning to get me going.

    Depending on where you're going and what you plan to do, you could be burning lots of calories. If you're going somewhere that you will be doing a lot of walking, keep that in mind. Maybe even bring a pedometer to remind yourself that you're not just sitting around. Remember to take a walk around the ship and check everything out too. If you get to go swimming or snorkling it's great exercise and burns a ton of calories.

    One of the big things on a cruise is the food. Some people eat crazy. I tend to eat what I like. Sometimes I try different things that I wouldn't normally try at home. At breakfast and lunch there's usually fruit around to snack on. Most ships have a decent salad bar too. Start with those and then add in bits of other foods. You'll find that you fill up quick.

    The drinks are killers. Most of the mixed drinks really pack a whollop. I figure I'll just add them in and figure what I need to do to burn them off :) Remember to drink TONS of water. It's hot and you'll easily get dehydrated. I just checked on Cruise Critic and the ship we're sailing on got good reviews on their drinking water. LOL! One of our last cruises the water was so chlorinated I had to use a filter bottle to drink it (I wasn't paying $3 for a 16oz bottle from the minibar) Some cruiselines will let you bring water on with you.

    Most of all, have fun and don't obsess. Cruises are wonderful, enjoy!
  • PORTION CONTROL!!! most cruises are all you can eat like 24/7 and the food is all delicious!!! There is a workout room on most cruises and classes (are a little extra) just make sure you workout daily....portion control and limit alcohol and you will not gain :] Probably wont lose either but wont gain :]
  • Seriously? I have never gained weight on a vacation. No matter how much I ate at the daily buffets, I always managed to get it off without actually exercising. I mean, I'd walk or swim but I wouldn't even think of it as exercise, it was just fun. My advice is don't stress out and don't spoil a probably well-deserved vacation stuck in a gym. Yes, it's important not to take a holiday from the diet but really, don't overthink or obsess about it. Relax. And enjoy :)
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Bumping this back up to ask Sammy how she liked her cruise? I just returned from the NCL Dawn Boston to Bermuda 7 night cruise. It was great. I did check out the gym, but didn't use it. There were tons of good machines and a bunch of classes every day. There were two areas for doing laps, one for jogging and one just for walking. The food was excellent. The meals that were healthier were marked with at star if you wanted to try to stay light. I mixed and matched (and ate cheesecake and an cake and wine) but it was all great. Lots of fresh fruit at the buffet every day. This was our first 7 night cruise in 10 years. It was fabulous. We're already discussing when the next one will be. DD-9 spent the days with us and the evenings with the kids club. She could have been up there during the day but wanted to spend time with Gramma and Grampa. I can't blame her. All in all it was fabulous. Sammy I hope you enjoyed your trip!
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I lost three pounds on my last cruise, so it's possible. :D

    I don't remember seeing any scales, but take advantage of the workout equipment, or use the jogging track. Also, plan shore excursions that are active, not ones that involve sitting on a bus and getting driven around.

    Enjoy the food, but don't stuff yourself. Take one or two bites of everything you want, then stop.

    And don't forget to have fun! If you do pick up a pound or two, you can work it off when you're no longer on vacation.
  • Mommy2CCCC
    Mommy2CCCC Posts: 70 Member
    We just went on a cruise in May. It was so much fun!!! I did come home with 2 extra pounds but I pretty much ate whatever I wanted to and really enjoyed myself. Within a couple days of coming home the 2 lbs. was gone, no harm done! We were so busy everyday that I guess I was burning all those calories. For breakfast everyday I had an omelet which really held me over for hours and hours. We were never sure when we were going to have lunch because we were off the boat doing activities. At dinner I just ate what I wanted and the food was fabulous! About half way through the trip I did find the gym and weighed myself to see how I was doing. I had lost over twenty pounds before going and I was scared to death I had gained it all back but was surprised I was doing fine. I hope you have an awesome time!!!
  • vmrink
    vmrink Posts: 42
    I absolutely LOVE cruising. I'm going on my 4th cruise in about 3 weeks. I too was worried about what I was going to do for weight loss during that week, even though I'm familiar with the cuisine and the gym on this particular ship. It still scares me because right now I'm doing a workout DVD program (Turbo Fire) and don't want to lose the progress and stamina I've built up so far.

    My husband is already nagging me about obsessing over my weight loss while on the cruise. He just wants me to relax and have a good time and not focus on it for just that week. Another fear I have is if I don't do SOME type of planned exercise, I'll get back home and lose my desire to exercise here as well. *gasp*

    However, I like the advice of going for the salads and fruits first and then trying whatever else I might want if still hungry.
  • angelaclev
    angelaclev Posts: 95
    When I went on a cruise... I LOST... with all the walking you do dont worry about the food... i promise!
  • polkataniec
    polkataniec Posts: 102
    Definitely try the classes! Instructor on my cruise was so HOT (russian) I went mainly to enjoy the view, he he and benefit from the workout.and remember takesmonths to put serious weight on! One week is not gonna hurt you too much.It is vacation after all! Of, yea the gyms on cruise ships areequipped very well and it is very funny to run on a treadmill while ship is in motion, ha ha, enjoy
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    I went on a cruise last year and didnt gain an ounce! I walked around alot. played table tennis on the upper deck with the hubby, used the stairs often(the elevators were usually slow and crowded anyway)...then on excursions we walked alot. Also I went to the fitness center once, but truly couldnt lie back and read...blah! I like to be moving. (Trust me I wasnt always that way.)

    Its very possible to eat healthy, but still indulgently. I found the 4 course evening meals on Disney to be small but filling portions. There were usually some healthy choices each night. Then they had a fresh fruit and sandwich bar that was always open. I personally eat more at home getting bored than I did out. We did do buffet at breakfast and lunch.
  • jonilynn1
    jonilynn1 Posts: 3
    The best way I found to keep from going overboard on food is to stay away from buffets. Eat all meals in the dining room where potions are controlled. They also have a healthy meal selection. Choose foods you wouldn't normally get a chance to eat at home; lobster, rack of lamb, etc. Keep telling yourself that pizza, etc. is always available and not a treat. Drink wine instead of frozen drinks and take advantage of the gym or walking track. Good luck!
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    As Polka said, the instructors are gorgeous. Mine was Australian! I could have listened to him all day.
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    I'm going on a Disney cruise in a few weeks... planning on using the gym most mornings, maybe doing the jogging trail and definitely walking around the ports and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I went to Aruba in June all inclusive food and drinks!!! I didn't turn down anything! I ate and drank until my hearts content. I did run on the treadmill most of the days I was there. I won't tell you what my weight was like it'll only discourage you!!

    Have fun though!! Love vacations!!!
  • PhiMuHoney
    PhiMuHoney Posts: 127 Member
    I've been on many a cruise and, yes, the food is yummy to the max. I would reiterate what lots of others have said about making sure you incorporate walking around the ship often (this will also help you to get out and enjoy the ship!). I've only been on Royal Caribbean ships, but their fitness centers are amazing and the staff are completely helpful. Most of all, enjoy yourself!
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    Take the stairs!!! It also might help to remind yourself that a lot of cruise activities (shore excursions, pool deck games, dancing at night, etc.) require even more energy that your life at home, so it's as important as ever to have regular small meals with balanced macros. My big problem is continental buffets--who ever can choose between a tiny danish, a mini-muffin, and a mini-bagel? OBVIOUSLY I need all three. But if you remind yourself that the buffets are essentially the same every day, you might find more self-control than I had on my last cruise. Definitely hit the gym when you can but don't plan your life around it; there are too many fun activities on the boat that you can take advantage of. And DON'T buy the soda package if your boat has one. I did on my last one just out of habit (my last cruise was when I was basically a kid and soda was a given on vacations) and then found myself drinking more Coke than I would have normally (this was before I was MFPing as thoroughly as I am now) just to break even. Lemonade, tea, iced tea, and coffee are free. If you must drink calories, save it for the booze ;]
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    My husband and I are going on our very first cruise in October - 9 days on the Mexican Riviera. I can't wait! I have wanted to cruise forever and never thought I would get the chance. We're both currently trying to lose weight and get healthier, and I was worried we would spend all our time eating and not get to exercise at all. But just this week he mentioned that he never thought he would be thinking about how to exercise on vacation... Maybe we're on the same wavelength after all. LOL

    I enjoyed reading the posts from all of you who have cruised before and been successful in staying on track. Thanks everyone!
  • I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow as well. It will be a camping trip, not a cruise, but i still am nervous about gaining weight (I've just lost 10 lbs as well and don't want a huge setback). it's a family trip, and their mentality is, "It's vacation! Eat whatever you want!" which means lots of cookies, chips, and ice cream. Instead of picturing how i'm going to screw up my diet, i'm trying to VISUALIZE myself being successful and making healthy choices, choosing fruit instead of cookies, and taking a walk instead of taking a nap. I feel like this has been helping a little. I know it may sound silly, but i've heard a lot of good things about visualization. Good luck and have a great time! Try your best, but don't let the worrying ruin your vacation. Think positively!
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