Is this binge eating or something else?

I had a really bad day yesterday. TOM showed up for the first time in like 6 months (sorry guys, I know yuck! lol)I ended up going on a psycho binge fest. I ate half a bag of chips, two honey buns, two cherry danishes, 8 breakfast tacos and three packets of oatmeal. This hasn't happened to me in awhile (like three months maybe) and I am not sure what triggered it. I really want to get back on track today but I am concerned that I might be depriving myself and that is why I am binging. I am just wondering if anyone would mind looking at my diary and stats and figuring out if maybe I need to change my settings some way. Lately, I have been feeling like eating alot and whatever I want. I didn't have this problem in the beginning and I felt like I was getting plenty to eat but now I'm hungry more often. Not sure I am being emotional or if it is hunger. I can't seem to pinpoint any negative or positive emotions that may have triggered the eating. I was feeling pretty normal at the start of the day. I've lost 41 pounds and I don't want to stop or give up now. My boyfriend thinks that maybe I am not eating enough or that I am exercising too much, but he is not an expert on weight loss and I know some of you guys are. Also, I try to eat some of my exercise calories back but I don't want to overdo it because I am swimming and my HRM doesn't work in the water so I don't know if those counts are entirely accurate. Please help, what am I doing wrong?


  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    It sounds like a bit of a binge but one day in 3 months and coinciding with TOM is nothing to be concerned about. Just move forward and don't stress about it. :)
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    It was a binge, and you know is a new day! So you can just get past it and start again today! I looked at your food diary. I was noticing your protein is usually low. That could be something to look at. What I have found fills me are almonds (I get a healthy natural trail mix with almonds - that's protein) and for lunch (sometimes for breakfast instead), I use Shakeology! It has protein and has tons of healthy stuff in it!! I LOVE IT! You want to look at foods that fill you instead of wasteful calories. Yes, honey buns may be tasty...but they are do not fill you. Find foods that are healthy and fill you!

    ***It looks like I was looking at your protein wrong :) Sorry! I haven't gotten the hang of the food diaries yet! Your protein is good! Binges happen sometimes! And you lose a lot of nutrients when you have TOM, so your body could've been craving nutrients it wasn't getting since it was losing so much. I know this has happened to me! So no sweat :)
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    I didn't know I was eating unhealthy unfilling foods (aside from yesterday). I thought I was eating enough protein. How much should I be eating? I am usually always over the limit.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    that is a classic TOM binge. but i didn tlook at your diary. if you aren't eating quality foods that will lead to a binge also. the body will find a way to get nutrients, even if it isn't good for your weight.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    that is a classic TOM binge. but i didn tlook at your diary. if you aren't eating quality foods that will lead to a binge also. the body will find a way to get nutrients, even if it isn't good for your weight.

    Thanks for your response. Would someone please take some time and look at the diary and let me know if what I am eating is unhealthy or if I am not getting enough protein? I am concerned now and i want to make sure I lose this weight the right way. I would greatly appreciate it!
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    yeah, it sounds like a "fluke binge" the stars aligned, you were hungry and craving. Just one occurence isn't considered binge eating disorder (that would be if this was happening multiple times a week for months on end) I would just try and shake it off, not feel bad about it, and squeeze in a little cardio. Everyone slips up once in a while!

    eta - i find that my binging occurs when i dont eat enough. my body freaks out and takes over. Make sure you are packing in the healthy food, especially at TOM, that way there is less room for junk :)
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Hey this happens to all of us. Even the "Health Nuts'... Don't sweat it new day!!!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    I don't know if this will help but I am a binge eater. That is how I got to be 315 pounds. I made a conscious decision to stop binging and hadn't done so in 3 months. (Give or take, I might have a had a run in with a pizza once or twice). I am sure TOM had something to do with it but I also said that I have been feeling hungrier lately like the past month or so. I would like to know if I am eating enough and if what I am eating is healthy. Everyone keeps telling me to eat healthy foods and I won't binge so I am now not sure if I am eating healthy. I would really appreciate it if anyone would be willing to look at my diary and give their honest opinion on my intake. Why am I so hungry lately.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    And by the way i really appreciate everyone's answers so far. It is helping get over the guilt. I am just wondering if there is something more to it.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I did go look at your diary. I see classic binge eating pattern. on the days you eat more protein and protein at every meal you do much better. on the days you start out with carbs you seem to continue with carbs and eat more that day. It can be as simple as having protein to start your day and protein with every meal/snack. do sugary carbs seem to trigger you to eat more? I was/am a binge/purge bulemic. I haven't purged in at least a year but still struggle with binges when I am not super careful about my protein.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    I did go look at your diary. I see classic binge eating pattern. on the days you eat more protein and protein at every meal you do much better. on the days you start out with carbs you seem to continue with carbs and eat more that day. It can be as simple as having protein to start your day and protein with every meal/snack. do sugary carbs seem to trigger you to eat more? I was/am a binge/purge bulemic. I haven't purged in at least a year but still struggle with binges when I am not super careful about my protein.

    Thank you. It is really hard for me to see where I am making mistakes and it really helps to have someone else evaluate. I went back and looked and I definitely see what you are saying. I think you hit the nail on the head. Its not really what I am eating but how I am eating it. I need to work in more protein with every meal. I totally didn't see that before. Also, congrats on conquering the purging, I know it takes commitment not to do that! You rock!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Hang in there =) You've done good!

    I have to remember myself I didn't get into this overnight, so I won't get out overnight!

    You deserve much praise for realizing what happened and looking at the triggers! Is your TOM pretty regular (I know you said it just showed up, but I mean from before)? Maybe try and focus on high fiber/high protein foods (low calorie/low sodium/low sugar/low carbs), that way you control the cravings. Getting your TOM is a NSV by the way! It means you are getting your body back where it wants to be!! <hugs>

    I like kndlindsey's advice and try to start your day with proteins, it ramps your body up in a good way :) Also healthy fiber, don't start out w/too much sugar (or sweet foods) I know it triggers me to eat more if I start out the day w/sweet foods (even if low/no calorie) I have a serious sweet tooth.

    Keep moving forward and you will gain this victory!
  • alex_marie85
    Not sure if this answers your question but during my TOM, I crrrraaave salt and sweet together and I find that if I allow myself to satisfy that craving, I'm less likely to binge.

    Is it possible that you have cravings you are denying, and the overcompensating by binging? I find listening to my body and satisfying what it craves in small amounts seems to stave off the "I want to eat everything in sight" tendency during my period.
  • alex_marie85
    Okay, I took some time to view your diary.

    You do seem to eat balanced, but your sugar intake and carb intake to me looks high and carbs are digest VERY fast meaning to use them will mean you are hungry a few hours later.

    Maybe you could increase your protein intake with things like Tuna, lean (organic) deli meants, lean turkey and chicken etc, no added sugar yogurt (like Siggi's icelandic skyr yogurt.) Protein actually keeps you fuller longer.

    Also on your TOM your body looses blood and iron. Maybe you could try eating more dark green leafies and lean red meat to increase your iron intake.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    The only thing that jumped out at me in the peek I took was the sodium intake... but I doubt that would have any play in making you binge or anything. It seems you got alot of advise on the carbs and protein already. Sodium can be a devilish little one too.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    that is a classic TOM binge. but i didn tlook at your diary. if you aren't eating quality foods that will lead to a binge also. the body will find a way to get nutrients, even if it isn't good for your weight.

    Thanks for your response. Would someone please take some time and look at the diary and let me know if what I am eating is unhealthy or if I am not getting enough protein? I am concerned now and i want to make sure I lose this weight the right way. I would greatly appreciate it!

    I think your binge yesterday was just related to TOM - it's very normal to crave sweets then. I did look at your food diary for about 10 days and I think overall you are eating a very healthy, balanced diet, and I agree about not necessarily eating bacj all the exercise calories - the estimates of calories burned can be high, and it looks like you are eating back a reasonable portion most days - if you find you are constantly hungry and losing in the 1-2+ pound per week range, then add more. I wouldn't worry about going over on protein - the guidelines MFP gives are a little low, and going over on protein, as long as you are getty a good amount of healthy carbs and fats won't hurt - in fact, if you are exercising a lot, you need more to build and repair muscles. I would suggest making sure you are spreading your protein evenly throughout the day, have some at each meal and snack, to help you feel fuller. There were a few days where it looked like your protein was skewed to one end of the day or another. Also, you can always increase the amounts of veggies that you eat and snack on - they are so low in calories that you can almost have an unlimited amount. Another thing, when I have been eating really clean (lots of protein, fruits, and veggies), I sometimes get a bit hungry/shaky, and I've found eating potatoes (I like steamed red potatoes or baked Yukon Gold) really helps. And like someone else said, watch the refined sugars because they can cause your blood sugar to fluctuate, but honestly it didn't look like you were overdoing that on average. I think for the most part you have a pretty healthy diet, and if you need to eat more, stick with things like proteins and veggies.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I agree that your binge would be related to TOM (you should have seen me going to town 2 weeks ago). However, looking through your diary I'm seeing 2 things fairly consistently 1) is a lack of variety of vegies and some days without any at all (it looks like one day you tore through an entire bag of lettuce, but didn't put any other veg on it), and 2) quite a few processed foods (like lean pockets) which don't have a lot of nutritional value and contain large amounts of sodium. You're doing great on the calorie count, but you may be able to better source those calories by sticking to more whole or raw foods. Not saying I'm awesome at getting enough veg or the right variety, but when I add more veg I do feel more full. Just think, the more natural colors on your plate the more types of vitamins and nutrients you are getting.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I think kndlindsey's comment on protein was very wise. It will cut away at those hunger pains. I also noticed you have a fair amount of processed foods and artificial sugars. (i mean nothing crazy, i am guilty too) I know the more fake sugar i have, the more sweet things i want. Try plain oatmeal with honey, or plain yogurt with fresh fruit.

    I have also suffered from binge eating - i think its important that you make changes slowly so you don't get anxious about what foods your missing. I know my binges come from anxiety. You are doing really great though, according to your food diary, so kudos to you! stock up on that protein!
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I took a quick peek and it seems your sodium is really high, you go over almost everyday. I find if I come even close to what it says I'm allowed for soduim I don't lose at all!