Hello there

My name is John, I am a firefighter in Florida, I have a weight issue, I have been using this app on my phone to track food and excercise for months but didnt know a website was also included. For Fathers day my wife signed me up for weight watchers online, and that is a pain in the tucus. I beleave I will drop that, stick with this site for tracking food and such but maybe go to meetings.

Anyway, about 2 years ago I was 356 pounds, I was then told (long story) I have to get my weight below 246 for BMI reasons, In the first year and quick I got down to 311, I now need to weigh 277 by the middle of august but have been stuck on 307 for the last 6 months. I have recently added riding my bike to and from work which is about 45 minutes of heart thumping, and work out for at LEAST 30 minutes while on shift, and have been constitantly below 2300 calories aday aside from fathers day which is a cheat day.

Also am very happily married with 2 kids and one on the way. I look forward to any and all help.


  • pauterson
    pauterson Posts: 65
    Try doing some research on www.bodybuilding.com. Even if you're not interested in getting into bodybuilding, the nutritional information and macro nutrients articles really help understand how to cut fat. Paying close attention to your carbs and doing a carb cycling could help too.... carb cycling = 2-3 days low carb & 1 day High carb. IE: 2-3 days w/ no bread, pasta, potatoes and 1 day with one or two meals with complex carbs such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, etc.

    I think research is key and you've already made such great progress you'll do great. You probably just have to change it up a little to get past your plateau. :-)