cheat day?



  • 2legit2qwit
    Thanks everyone for all of your thoughts and ideas. It's great to know that there is so much support here. I have gone through periods of being in great shape, feeling proud of the way I looked, and eating really well while not feeling deprived in the past, so I know I can do it again. I just need to make it happen and keep it up for good this time. Developing the habit and lifestyle change is definitely the first step. Thanks so much!! :happy:
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i don't plan out anything i eat for me, family gatherings are cheats because my granny always cooks for double the people that are there. also going out to eat are cheats but if i know i'm going to go out to eat i try to fit it in my calories yesterday i slept all day and we ended up going out to eat and i ate too much but didn't go over and even had a little snack before bed.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I dont have cheat days-- I have days where I decide that I am going over- because I want to- because of something special and I want and "NEED" it. I keep it to a minimum but I dont want to be on a diet, I want to lose weight and get healthy. But I dont call them "cheating" because that to me means I am breaking some "rule"--

    This!!!! That is what I was trying to say and couldn't find the words for it.
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I dont have cheat days-- I have days where I decide that I am going over- because I want to- because of something special and I want and "NEED" it. I keep it to a minimum but I dont want to be on a diet, I want to lose weight and get healthy. But I dont call them "cheating" because that to me means I am breaking some "rule"--

    Well said!
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    I don't like the idea of a "cheat" day. It just feels wrong. If I had to pick a motto for you to focus on it would be: Will Work For Food! Exercise allows for a generous amount of calories. I try to eat whatever I want and just fit it in my calorie goal. I am learning to pick and choose. For example, I can have a hamburger any day I want, I just don't get the fries too. Maybe 300 cals of fries would be worth it to me some day and I'd just go have some fries but for now, I really just want the cheese-hamburger and I can fit that in on a normal day. If I go out or make a high-cal meal, I make sure it's on a day I have burned a lot during exercise. So, get exercising and eat what you want! That's my motto: I eat whatever I want... within cal limits. Don't cheat, just exercise!

    Regarding you diet food post: I've switched to Kefir dressing (Lighthouse) which is made with yogurt but tastes great. Milk? I've got nothing for you there cause I don't like it so skim is FINE for me. But my husband was a whole milk drinker but he has worked down over the past 20 years.I can usually juggle food, it's the desserts that kill me. I have to use portion control 24-7. I have it but I have to stop and just a little. Sometimes I don't and that is when I get into trouble. There is no exercise you can do that will allow you to eat some desserts without paying the price in calories. Just make sure it is worth it to you.