Opinion Seeking Rant!!! ;-)

When people see me and say, "you're too skinny", is it cuz I'm too skinny, or because they're too fat... and not doing anything about it??? Granted, I started at a healthy weight when I got on MFP, but I'm STILL at a healthy weight now. (according to BMI & body fat percentage AND my mirror). I haven't even lost more than 15lbs, all together (pre & post MFP), so it is kind of annoying. I was REALLY annoyed when a coworker "jokingly" asked if I throw up after eating (because I DO constantly eat). *ugh*... Okay, rant over... thanks for "listening"!!! :wink:

If anyone here would like to give their input, I'm going to put a pic with a white dress in my profile pix, which is from like 2 or 3 days ago. Since I'm ASKING for this input, it will not be taken negatively. I'm NOW curious if they're right and I'm being sensitive, or if they just don't want to see me change for the better. :flowerforyou:

FYI: My weight is at "maintain" right now, and before that was only 1/2lb at a time. Never really aspired to lose much weight. Thanks again.


  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I don't think you are too skinny at all. You look great!
  • MJLavaty
    MJLavaty Posts: 72 Member
    You look great. As long as you feel healthy, don't let what they say bother you.
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    I think you look great!! :smile:
  • Sugarchef
    Sugarchef Posts: 319 Member
    You look really good and healthy!
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    You look healthy to me... At least in that one profile pic!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Jealousy and insecurity are two ugly emotions. FYI you look awesome! :-)
  • kdrumeler
    kdrumeler Posts: 4 Member
    This is one of my biggest pet peeves...."you're too skinny" or "you don't have to work out" UGH. I'm thin because I work out and I'M NOT TOO SKINNY...Thinner folks have body issues too and people like that just say these things to make themselves feel better. I'm all about maintaining a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I get that all the time. I am not overweight. My BMI is 24.5% (approx) I think society is warped and I think people are jealous. Myself and another girl even had shirts made up "I'm not too skinny....You're just fat...."
    I once had a coworker comment that I was starving myself. I had to approach her regarding her comments, that I took offense to the comments.
    It does not look like you are too skinny. You look healthy. I am working on bringing down my body fat percentage. I want to be closer to 22% and currently am closer to 30% so I have a ways to go.
    You still have your curves, you look amazing! They are just jealous!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    You look great! people just have a hard time accepting a change. Good job!
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    You look amazing. I have had a lot of this too, 'you don't need to lose weight', people putting you down. It is just jealousy, as mentioned above.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    IMHO it's because as a society we've forgotten what 'normal' looks like! everything and everyone is supersized, and we've started to think of the larger sizes as 'normal'.
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I don't think you look too skinny. You look healthy & great by the way!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    i love rants, they make my day worthwhile :drinker:

    you do not look too thin, you look great.
    as long as u FEEL healthy, keep doing what you're doing.

    there are lots of haters out there. don't let em bring you down.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    IMHO it's because as a society we've forgotten what 'normal' looks like! everything and everyone is supersized, and we've started to think of the larger sizes as 'normal'.

    This is SO true!
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Thank you all, for your kind words. :flowerforyou: :blushing: Although I've known and agree with what you are all saying about society and jealouse (as well as people becoming accustomed to a super-sized population), it just seems like this past week it has been coming at me triple speed with the "you're too skinny" comments, so I had to make sure it IS them and NOT me!!! LOL. Thanks again everyone, your feedback has made my day!!! :smile:
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I have a question...When people come on here and "Rant" about "People" saying they look to skinny, what are they asking for? Are you asking for affirmation or do you want/need to be told that you look good (because NO ONE can tell if a person is HEALTHY or have Well-being from looking outside.)

    My response to topics like this is, " Only YOU know what You are doing, ONLY you and your health care providers know if you are healthy." Yes, there are haters out there (in Everything) but YOU have to be Secure enough in Yourself to keep living healthy or to affirm YOURSELF. Love, Respect and Value You, then maybe what "people" say or don't say will not matter so much.

    My Opinion to the Opinion Seeking Rant.

    Be Well
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    I know exactly what some of you mean. After losing 6 stone friends and family are now saying I should stop now. I am still not at perfect BMI but I wasn't aiming for anyway. Unless we don't have a goal and just want to keep losing, tell people to mind their business.
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    I can't speak for everyone, but I wanted an opinion of how I LOOK to others who are aiming for a common goal, NOT looking for anyone to tell me I'm healthy. It is about encouragement, and it my seem like fishing for compliments, but sometimes that's what people need. Trust me, I'm very secure and have a great self-esteem, (depending on who you ask, too much at times) but every so often, if you hear something enough times it CAN make you wonder if you're being delusional about yourself.

    I look in the mirror (and in anything that I can see my reflection in) tons of times a day, and I see a happy, healthy, great looking person. There are other people who look in those same mirrors and see someone who is too fat, too skinny, unattractive, or any other adjective you'd like to put in there. Those opinions of oneself are NOT always correct, hence having 90lb girls, who are anorexic, because they look in the mirror and see a fat girl... or those who look in the mirror and can only see their "imperfections", and get tons of plastic surgery. So, while I see someone with a healthy image in the mirror, I don't want to be one of those delusional people who goes too far, because they can't see what others see. From the words of a lot of people that I have encountered lately, my self image appeared to be off, and though I didn't think that I was going crazy or going too far, I decided to get some input from those with like minded/health conscious goals. THAT is where MY post came from.
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    I can't speak for everyone, but I wanted an opinion of how I LOOK to others who are aiming for a common goal, NOT looking for anyone to tell me I'm healthy. It is about encouragement, and it my seem like fishing for compliments, but sometimes that's what people need. Trust me, I'm very secure and have a great self-esteem, (depending on who you ask, too much at times) but every so often, if you hear something enough times it CAN make you wonder if you're being delusional about yourself.

    I look in the mirror (and in anything that I can see my reflection in) tons of times a day, and I see a happy, healthy, great looking person. There are other people who look in those same mirrors and see someone who is too fat, too skinny, unattractive, or any other adjective you'd like to put in there. Those opinions of oneself are NOT always correct, hence having 90lb girls, who are anorexic, because they look in the mirror and see a fat girl... or those who look in the mirror and can only see their "imperfections", and get tons of plastic surgery. So, while I see someone with a healthy image in the mirror, I don't want to be one of those delusional people who goes too far, because they can't see what others see. From the words of a lot of people that I have encountered lately, my self image appeared to be off, and though I didn't think that I was going crazy or going too far, I decided to get some input from those with like minded/health conscious goals. THAT is where MY post came from.

    Good response! I think you look the right side of slim. Not too skinny not too chunky. You could even lose up to 7lbs more and still not look too skinny OMHO. Not that you should / need to, just trying to give some perspective.
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Thank you kirstiey. Trust me, no offense taken at your comment at all, like I originally said, comments are welcomed, because I ASKED for them. :smile: I actually agree with you, so I wouldn't mind if I lost a few more pounds, but right now, I'm more focused on toning, so we'll see what happens.