Stretch marks



  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Strivectin and Bio-oil work well at minimizing them.

  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    thanks for the tip!
  • deannabanana
    I had them before I ever got pregnant, they got worse though. My stomach is a road map. They go vertical and horizontal. Not to mention I have the pouch from the csection! 10lb baby will do that to ya lol! But I view them as my battle wounds!

    You sound just like me! My baby was 9lbs 10 oz and I have stretch marks ALL over my tummy, and sides, and thighs, and calves...I cant hide any of them ;D Glad I'm not alone! My friends were all really lucky and had NONE!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I had watermelon tummy carrying my guy to full term at 8lbs 13 ozs (I also started showing at 4 months, like maternity clothes showing ugh!)

    Bio Oil! But truly its about keeping the skin hydrated with any type of oil.

    Remember stretch marks are scar tissue, they will fade over time but can never be fully eliminated. There is laser therapy for them that breaks up the scar tissue, but (unless regualtions change) you cant tan or use lotions for the 6-9 months of treatment (and its not cheap by any means)