Heart Rate question...

hello all !

so i got my new polar F4 . YAY !

so i brought it to the gym today ... and did some elliptical..

well i was doing it at the speed and level i normaly do it at but my heart rate was at like 85% !! so i though gee,, ok .. lets bring it down.. so i slowed down and brought my heart rate at 70 .. but then i was barely going !! .. i didnt feel like a proper work out.. i even uped it to 75 because i felt like i was doing nothing,, the elliptical was at level 7 and 90 spm ...
the heart rate monitor is fine,, i crossed tested it ...
everything else is fine.. like my resting hr is 30% (60bpm) .. walking is 45-50% (75-80 bpm)..

is it normal ? is it me that extremly unfit ?

i mean .. instead of being totaly wiped out after 15 minutes ,, i went on for an other 15 .. and i was still fine... i would prefer working out for longuer then more extensive workout .. but i dont get that feeling of a job well done .. that and i feel like i look silly not going as fast as i such

did you experience the same,,, ?? any explaination for this ?

thanks !


  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hello all !

    so i got my new polar F4 . YAY !

    so i brought it to the gym today ... and did some elliptical..

    well i was doing it at the speed and level i normaly do it at but my heart rate was at like 85% !! so i though gee,, ok .. lets bring it down.. so i slowed down and brought my heart rate at 70 .. but then i was barely going !! .. i didnt feel like a proper work out.. i even uped it to 75 because i felt like i was doing nothing,, the elliptical was at level 7 and 90 spm ...
    the heart rate monitor is fine,, i crossed tested it ...
    everything else is fine.. like my resting hr is 30% (60bpm) .. walking is 45-50% (75-80 bpm)..

    is it normal ? is it me that extremly unfit ?

    i mean .. instead of being totaly wiped out after 15 minutes ,, i went on for an other 15 .. and i was still fine... i would prefer working out for longuer then more extensive workout .. but i dont get that feeling of a job well done .. that and i feel like i look silly not going as fast as i such

    did you experience the same,,, ?? any explaination for this ?

    thanks !
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Ok, read the post I linked below because this a very similar/almost same question was basically answered in that post--lots of good stuff about HR zones, etc. in there.

  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    Thanks shore.. i saw that after i posted my thread,,

    it was very good explaination of it ..

    i still find it weird that when working out at 75% im still not going fast at all and that i dont feel tired at all..

    i will try to work out for longuer tomorow ..

    thanks for your help !!