So Hungry...



  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Now that I can see your diary, here is my first suggestion:

    Your breakfast is very light... too light. Some days you even skip breakfast. When I started getting between 400-500 calories at breakfast (with at least 30g of protein), about 300-350 at lunch and 300-350 at dinner... my weight started to come off quickly. Add snacks in between meals to hold you over so you can make smart choices.

    I also see you do a few processed meals like HC steamers, etc. Add "Sodium" to your Nutrient Tracker and watch those numbers. Frozen meals, cheese, low fat or fat free foods, sugar free foods, etc. are all high in sodium.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I looked at your diary and I think I would be hungry too. Definitely need to bulk up your meals with veggies and fruit--they are low-calorie and fill you up.

    Great snack I love is plain or vanilla yogurt with PB2 (powdered, defatted peanut butter -- delicious!!) mixed in, it's like eating peanut butter pudding!! you can order PB2 online -- check it out, it's amazing and so many fewer calories than regular peanut butter.

    Check out my diary for food ideas; I eat about 1600-2000 calories a day, work out 6 days a week, and I like to think I eat a very healthy mix (skip back over my last weekend bc I was away and didn't log this past Thurs-Sun).

  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I would say stop eating the packaged dinners/lunches from Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice. The chicken isn't really good chicken, it's processed and won't keep you full. Plus, if you make your own chicken you can eat more for less calories and add a veggie with it. Bulk up that dinner for less sodium also! Those dinners/lunches are packed full of sodium. Sodium makes you retain water which will show lack of loss on the scale. Try to turn on your sodium and track it for a week and see how that goes.

    Watch Sodium
    Up Water Intake
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    fiber and protein fill you up! and when your full you won't wanna munch.

    EDIT: i peeked at you diary and instead of the dinner as i've seen a couple other posts say you should just makke it your self. boneless skinless chicken breast is cheep at the meat market i go to and they have tons of pre marinated mixtures i usually buy 2 breast of each kind and have them cut it into tenderloins for me then i just pop it in the oven at 350-400 depending on if it;s thawed or not for any where to 45 mins to an hour 15 minutes. i just cook all of it then have leftovers for later. and they are delish! also you can buy a pack of 8-9 tenderloins at wal-mart for around $9 where i live and marinade it yourself. i've also just put them in the oven plain with a little butter and a lot of herbs and spices and it's delish that way too.

    also adding a sodium to your tracker is a good idea too, it looks like your diet coke has nothing but really it has tons of sodium the only drinks that totally zero out are water unsweetened tea (brewed your self not bottled or canned) and black coffee.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    when you find youself getting hungry make a healthy salad followed by two bottles of water that should do the trick just be sure that the salad is a healthy one, if you need help creating a healthy one ask for ideas.

    this always works for me
    1)romaine lettus
    2) cherry tomatoes 4
    3)half of a cucumber
    4)4 black olives
    5)lite italian dressing in a seperate container used for dipping
    6)4oz of any deli meat, tuna,salmon,chicken breast,cubed ham, etc..what ever you like
    7)orange pepper 8 slices
    8)two 16oz bottles of water, drink the water until your hunger stops
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    Sometimes I'm finding that what feels like intense hunger is really just one craving and once it's met it goes away. Unlike you, I don't ignore the hunger but I was filling it with healthy, low-cal foods and not understanding how I could still be hungry. Sometimes one cookie or a few salty crackers is just enough to curb it, doesn't devastate my calories for the day and wasnt worth feeling miserable and starving over! I also second a mug of hot tea--something about the warm drink helps when I'm feeling hungry between meals.