Short Mom, Needs Inspiration and Support!

ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I'm a stay at home mom to 2 children - 4 and 2 years old. I don't have time away to go to a gym so I've been working extra hard around the house and riding the stationary bike when my kids will leave me alone ;) for at least 20 minutes. I need to get off the extra weight I've been carrying since my son's birth in 2009!!! I cannot use the excuse "I just had a baby." anymore!!! I'm short, at only 5'2" so it feels like every extra pound looks like 10! I weighed in at 158 when I joined, and I'd love to lose 20-30lbs. My husband is set to deploy to Iraq in August (4th time overseas) and I'd really really really like to be back to the me he married 7 years ago when he gets back!!!


  • KatyLynn01
    KatyLynn01 Posts: 19
    You can do it! Get some work out videos, like zumba or 30 day shred. Or play some music and do jumping jacks and dance around with your kids! They will probably have fun dancing with mom!
  • gloriaqzhao
    gloriaqzhao Posts: 40 Member
    Do you have neighbors that can do play dates with you and your children? You and the other parents can take turns to exercise.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I'm 5'2" also. Feel free to add me. I keep my diary open to MFP friends. :)
  • ryan92408
    ryan92408 Posts: 11
    Welcome! You can do this!! Having friends on MFP really helps me stay motivated! Request friendships as you see people that you have things in common with . . . :-)
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Do you have a buggy for the kids? If so get out there and take em with you! All the best,

  • sesefeeney
    sesefeeney Posts: 71 Member
    i'm a mum too and i've got 43lbs to lose!! i'v lost 22lbs already when i found MFP. you can do it but it is hard. try exercise dvds, i started with those and then got some gym equipment. i do the dvds before little bubba wakes up in the morning and some days i manage to do it at night. i have lost momentum though as it became a bit of an obssession but hopefully i'm back on the train now!! good luck.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I weighed in at 158 when I joined, and I'd love to lose 20-30lbs.

    I started MFP just recently, but my starting weight when I began this journey was 157. I am now down to 125.8. You CAN do it but it may just take some time.
  • Jules429
    Jules429 Posts: 35
    I'm a short mom too! I'm 5'2 and I have a 4 and 2 yr old.. Im doing the 30 day shred and p90x. I luv them and I can see a difference in how I loom and feel.. :-) I also do Jackie Warner's 1 on 1 core video on demand on Tuesday and Thursday .. hope this helps!
  • Jennical
    Jennical Posts: 219 Member
    Hi..I'm shorter than you are at just 5 ft and my start weight here was 154.... After 1 month I am 8 lbs lighter... I also have a 2 yr/8mth old "grand-daughter" with me 24/7 and I know what you mean when you say "when they allow you to"... Riding provides good exercise and so does walking when you have the time...Play games with them..get them tired and burn calories while doing it. Don't give up. I usually aim for at least 30 mins on my treadmill a day. I would like to do more but right now it's all I can muster. I am sure you would look great by the time he returns if you work at it... Good luck...
  • hi. i am 5'3". i have a little boy that is almost 2. and i too am struggleing to lose the baby weight.(which not sure that i can call it that anymore. lol.) i try to do my workouts when my child is sleeping. i am doing 30 day shred and elliptical workouts. anyway i just saw this post earlier about short people before and after pics. you should check it out if you haven't already. do a search for ...Short People Before and After Pics Please... kind of inspiring to see that us short people can lose the weight and still look hot. no excuses.. we can do this. good luck.
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