Graphic Images for Cigarette Packs Revealed.



  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I'm a smoker and I could care less what the package looked like. What really makes me mad is how the government, media, whoever it is, is picking on smokers. What about alcoholics? Are they going to start putting pictures of diseased livers, people puking, or other drunken events of the like on the bottles? What about people who abuse household products? Are they going to begin putting photos of obese people on fast food wrappers? Where will it stop? It's no wonder other countries think we're so damned stupid, because our own government finds it necessary to put PICTURES on cigarette packs!!! It's not a f*cking pop-up book. We know what the risks are.

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    What really makes me mad is how the government, media, whoever it is, is picking on smokers.
    To be fair smoking is the one of what you mentioned that if ONE person in the room is doing it affects everyone else in the room, a drinker gets all the alcohol in their cup... a non-smoker can't help but breathe the toxic fumes a smoker is bringing into the area. And it's a joke, my college had the "NO-smoking" buffer 50 feet from their door, but as evidenced by leaves every fall the "smoking" section was in just the right spot for the wind to blow it into the main doors to the building. Oh yeah and the bus let us off right into the smoking section :P
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Maybe, just maybe, it will stop a few kids from lighting up in the first place. If they don't start, there's no need to quit. That would be nice, even if it was just a few. Maybe.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I don't know. I remember as a kid when they would bring in the emphysema-ridden lungs in the big glass case and make us look at them and explain that this was what smoking did to your lungs. I still smoked for several years.

    People aren't really going to look at them. I never really looked at my packs when they didn't have them, I would only be encouraged further not to look at it or read their warnings.

    As for kids ... I don't think they're going to care, mostly. They're told how awful smoking is from day one, shown all sorts of images and they still smoke. Cost is the only thing to make it even slightly prohibitive, and personally I don't think that's fair to adults who should have the choice.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I think the only way to make people stop smoking is to hike the price. The kids won't be able to afford it. It seem to be part of the solution from what I have seen here in Canada.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I think the only way to make people stop smoking is to hike the price. The kids won't be able to afford it. It seem to be part of the solution from what I have seen here in Canada.
    Prices got raised before. That's why there's no so many cigarettes sold from the indian reserves now. They're sold in huge amounts in Ontario, I'm sure in Quebec too. People can buy indian cigarettes, Approx $20 for a carton. That's 20 smokes for $2.
    In Ontario we have an "Ontario smoke free act".
    Vendors aren't allowed to sell to anybody under 19, and check ID if they are under 25.
    They also have to cover up their smokes behind the counter, and not be in view.
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    Everyone who's ever gone to school has seen pictures like that, so why is putting the pictures on the pack going to do anything? Kids are already well-aware of the risks involved by the time they're like 8 years old.
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    It just seems like a bunch of government employees trying to justify their jobs -- let's come up with some gross pics to put on cigarette boxes.

    I used to smoke & knew the risks and effects but didn't care. Not only that, who sits there staring at their pack of smokes? I don't think smokers care less what's on the pack.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    It just seems like a bunch of government employees trying to justify their jobs
    Otherwise known as "every action that government takes" ;)
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    As for kids ... I don't think they're going to care, mostly. They're told how awful smoking is from day one, shown all sorts of images and they still smoke. Cost is the only thing to make it even slightly prohibitive, and personally I don't think that's fair to adults who should have the choice.

    Many of the kids I know are smarter than that - granted, not all of them are, but most kids have someone in their family or friends' families who has died - or is dying - of one kind of cancer or another. If part of the reason kids smoke is because of peer pressure (and I have to admit it was a lot of the reason why I started in the first place), the images will give those kids one more level of defense against picking up the addiction in the first place.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    ridiculous. This is a legal substance that the Gov has declared war on. I would like to ask anyone who agrees with the gov if they think the gov won't go after other products it deems unhealthy. It's a choice and adults shouldn't be punished because some wonk tells them it's unhealthy. Whatever happened to personal liberty?

    They will go after fatty foods next using the excuse that it's for your own good when they are really after your money. I can see it now. They will use health care costs and how much smokers/unhealthy lifestyles cost society and will therefore need to be taxed to offset these costs.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    If part of the reason kids smoke is because of peer pressure (and I have to admit it was a lot of the reason why I started in the first place), the images will give those kids one more level of defense against picking up the addiction in the first place.
    Kids who are going to give into peer pressure will do so whether the images are there or not. It will be more of a badge than anything. "Dude, I smoked this whole pack, I'll bet my lungs look just like this now lolllll." ...

    And Angryguy ... of course they will, just as San Francisco tried to get rid of happy meals. Nothing is to actually benefit us, though, it's all just to get more money.
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    Living here in Winston-Salem, NC there would be days when we could smell the RJReynolds plant all across the city. Not so much anymore. They even moved out of one of their buildings here downtown and consolidated everyone into the other one (they had 2 side by side). I quit last year and it was just because I was sick of it. I knew the dangers and had seen the pictures long before I quit, but that didn't influence me. I think they are being very unfair to the tobacco industry though. If they make them do this then they should make alcohol companies put pictures of drunk driving accidents on their bottles. I say legalize marijuana (no I don't even smoke it) to give these AMERICAN farmers something to make a living with and let people make their own decisions about what they put into their bodies. The government was not set up to MANDATE what we can and can't do with our own bodies!
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I think one of the BEST ways to keep people from buying them is to make the packs in bright pink, purple, and rainbow colors. I mean, what man would want to walk around and pull out a smoke from a pink pack and try and look cool?
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    I think one of the BEST ways to keep people from buying them is to make the packs in bright pink, purple, and rainbow colors. I mean, what man would want to walk around and pull out a smoke from a pink pack and try and look cool?

    You must not see any emo/metrosexual people around your town, huh?
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    I lived in Chile for a while and they have been doing this for years. We thought it was so funny and interesting, but it never deterred my chain-smoker friends from smoking. They actually bought and smoked more in Chile despite the labels because the cigarettes were less expensive than in the States.

    I think it might help some, but others won't care. Same with food. I was watching Dr. Oz on OWN the other day and he showed these six different people an inside look at heart-surgery on an obese woman. Her heart was covered in fat and then it wouldn't start back up because it wasn't strong enough. It was disgusting. He then showed them deceased peoples' organs that had been affected by bad eating habits vs. normal/healthy looking organs of the deceased. It was disgusting and very eye opening. Four people changed their eating habits and lost a lot of weight. Two of the men didn't change at all. It all depends on the person...
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    There have been graphic pictures on cigarette packaging in Australia for a few years. They've also increased the price and made many venues smoke free (all hospital grounds, most restaurants, bars, businesses, some parks, malls etc). And retailers aren't allowed to display cigarettes, they all have to be behind doors. The lastest suggestion here is to put all cigarettes into plain packaging, I think it's to reduce the "cool" factor and brand recognition. I don't know if it will help, but I hope so. All the smokers I know would like to quit, but I know it's hard to do.

    As a non-smoker I'm really happy that I can go to a pub or out for a meal and not have to smell other people's second hand smoke, though I admit that I do feel a bit sorry for smokers now they have to hide in corners to smoke.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    As a non-smoker I'm really happy that I can go to a pub or out for a meal and not have to smell other people's second hand smoke ...
    I honestly appreciate this more than words can say. It's so nice to not be smelling others' smoke. When I'm out and a whiff gets through the door I get sort of irate, though I don't say anything about it. Even though smokers are supposed to be 10 feet or more from the door.

    However, I'm still really pissed that the government has decided to give a general "**** you" to smokers and decide that they can't even have their own personal enclosed spaces. They raise the prices, extend the perimeters ... there's that new smoking ban in New York which just ... irritates me beyond belief. Not allowing people to smoke in parks? That's just the most BS thing in the whole world.

    "Parks are for everyone and we have to accept people for who they are and what they like to do! [notices someone nearby] Hey! What the hell are you doing? [it's a man smoking on the edge of the fountain]"

    "Oh, I was jus—"

    "Get out of here, you filthy smoker! Dirty lungs! Go ahead and kill yourself, stupid tar-breath! Dumbass!"

    Ugh alkjfalkjsfd;askjdf;alskdjf;laksjdf;laskjdflkajsdflkjasdflkj.