another diet for me

This is another diet to try ,I really don't know how this works ,but willing to give me a try. I think I might be addicited to food and I reallly LOVE food . HELP fighting a losing battle.


  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    It really has to be a lifestyle change and not so much a diet. You really have to be commited. I have awesome days and some not so great days, but I always log everything and I do it honestly. I love food also, I would love to eat anything I want, but I dont love being overweight and the health risks and everything that goes with it!! Its not a losing battle, just an uphill one (where you get to use your exercise calories to eat more food)!
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    Don't think of a diet, just change your options when eating. I found that by losing 1-2 lbs a week I can still eat pretty much what I want as long as I stay within my caloric intake by monitoring it with this app.

    You'll get there. Your Will power is much stronger than your urge. Trust me, I LOVE food too.
  • C110266Chris♥
    For me it is a definite mind set. It makes so much difference how the day begins too. If i start out eating carbs or even a square breakfast, the day doesnt work so well for me. I have found that eating fruit, like an orange and coffee hold me over for a while. Later in the morning an apple or grapefruit works nicely. I eat a healthy lunch with mostly veggies and a little protien. dinner, i just watch whatever calories are left to stay within my goal and don't eat after dinner. This is when I am at my best of course. I try to exercise in the am before work even though i have to get up at 4:30am. I usually walk 2 miles at lunch and now I have incorporated a few more things, like jumping rope and abdominal cycle crunchies. I find that walking videos (Leslie Sansone is great and not difficult) works well for me in the privacy of my own home. Add me if you like. We can do this together! This is working nicely for me and I have only been on 1 week. Let's get it going!!!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Hello and welcome. ~smiles~

    Quite a few people here don't think of what we/they do as a diet, but think of it as a lifestyle change. If you're diligent with tracking you learn about what you're putting into your body and can work on modifying that so you eat less and healthier.

    I'm always going to love food and I'll never make it if I cut myself off from great tasting food, so I don't. I'm just working on finding better choices.

    And I've seen a quote around here, something along the lines of 'You can eat it all, you just can't eat it all at once.' I think that about covers it.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member

    I love food,too. Now I can keep track of what I enjoy and off-set it with excerise. Don't think of it as a diet. .. think of it as a food maintence and control device. You control the food from here on out, it doen't control you. :D