I'm NEW :)

PlayMySong Posts: 19 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
hey everyone!
I'm new to this! My best friend got me started & i'm excited to get my old body back! My goal is to lose 40lbs!



  • suzicooper
    suzicooper Posts: 15
    hi! welcome to MFP its brill with loads of support from everyone!! :-)
  • LauraT81
    LauraT81 Posts: 11
    Hey im new too!

    What sort of diet will you be doing?

  • I'm almost 60 years old and want to lose 50 lbs. I haven't figured out whether or not there is a suggested meal menu for the weeks or not. Can someone help me?:frown:
  • i'm new too. My goal is 50 lbs, but right now my goal is 20 by the end of the summer to be back at my lowest weight in forever.

    I already love the site after only 2 days!

    Feel free to add me as a friend and Good Luck!!
  • BroncoMan
    BroncoMan Posts: 25
    Welcome, looks like there's a lot of new folks today, me included.
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    Good luck everyone, feel free to add me if you wish :)
  • just_silk
    just_silk Posts: 105 Member
    I'm new too, so good luck to all us newbies!
  • Lizzie-

    you have to find what works for you. I've been dieting for years even though i'm only 19. I have done low carb, vegetarian, and the raw-foods-diet. (I found salads and low-carbs werent for me since i love carbs!!) No matter what- its all about Calories in vs calories out. If you keep your calories consumed to your goal and create the calorie deficit that mfp calculates, you will loose weight.

    Basically, start with what you enjoy eating and calculate the calories you'd consume.

    For example, I hate salads, love fruit, enjoy grilled chicken, and i love rice- but I also love ice cream, like to the point that I crave it everyday.

    So for me I'll have a bowl of fruit in the morning (about 160 cal), a bowl of tomatoe soup for lunch (about 170 calories), a healthy dinner or grilled chicken, steamed veggies and maybe rice- but ill skip the rice if i skip my workout (total of about 550 calories) .... this would put me at 885 cal for the day, with just enough room to enjoy a serving of ice cream.

    The biggest thing is to watch calories and serving sizes. I also find it helps to still eat foods you enjoy so it feels less like depriving yourself. If you are very good at and enjoy depriving yourself, a low-carb paleo diet will ensure maximum fastest fat loss, but I find I cant stick to it longer than a week.

    Good luck!
  • bullgear
    bullgear Posts: 2
    I haven't been doing this too long, but I have not seen a suggested menu. You simply make your own food choices, log in what you eat every day, and decide if what you eat is worth the calorie, fat, sugar, etc... that is associated with your foods.

    What I do like about this is that I eat what I want. Logging in all the things that I eat and noticing how many calories are contained in all my food choices makes me aware of what I am doing to my body when I eat things I shouldn't. It's been a long two months, but I've lost 15 pounds so far! It is the first time I've had any kind of success with a diet.

    You know, I say "diet" but I really plan to make this a life change. For the last two months (with the exception of a day or two) I've stayed away from potato chips and much of the fattening dairy I used to eat/drink. On the days I walk, if I choose to, I can eat a heavier snack or second helping at dinner. Looking at it that way encourages me to walk more.

    I don't go hungry. That's most important to me. By seeing how many calories different foods have, I've learned what I can eat more of and what I eat less of. Giving up the potato chips was the hardest, but every time I think about buying a bag, I look at the calorie count on the bag and I am reminded that it's just not worth it. Eleven chips isn't enough for me. I want the whole bag or nothing. Choosing nothing has helped me loose weight.

    The key to this online logging of food and exercise is self determination to log in every day.

  • PlayMySong
    PlayMySong Posts: 19 Member
    The "Get My *kitten* Off The Couch & Stop Putting *kitten* In My Mouth" diet ;) lol!
    Hey im new too!

    What sort of diet will you be doing?

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