Getting Aggrivated and Discouraged.

I work in an office ALL DAY LONG. I am trying to eat right, and then exercise in the afternoons when I get off. I know I probably shouldn't, but I am tempted to get on the scale every day. Its frustrating when you are not losing. In my mind I think that I should lose at least an ounce or something a day.
To top it off, I stay hungry all the time. To the point my stomach is growling off. And I have heard "drink water because it may be your body needing hydration" Well let me tell you, that does not work. I dont understand it. Everyone else can eat a bowl of oatmeal and stay full for hours and I eat one and I am hungry within an hour. I know I am rambling, but I cannot understand why my body is like this. If anyone has some input, please please please let me know. I just honestly do not know what to do. Dont want to spend the rest of my life being hungry all the time.