new, feeling discouraged

Hi everyone, I recently started using the calorie counter. It's been about two weeks since I started logging everything but I've been working to get fit for about a month now. I've always struggled with body image issues and suffered an eating disorder in high school. My goal this time is not necessarily to lose weight (i no longer own a scale) but to look better and to feel better about myself. I'm going on vacation on July 12th so that's the date I set that I wanted to accomplish my goal. I've been eating 1200 calories a day and I run for 30 minutes and then walk 15-20 minutes 6 days a week. I haven't seen any results yet and all my measurements are the same. I'm feeling discouraged and don't know what to do in order to get results. If anyone has any advice, I'd really appreciate it. Btw, I'm 21, 5'7'' and 130 pounds (last time I weighed myself)


  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    If you're 5'7" and 130 weight will come off very slowly. 1200 calories is probably not enough. Eating more will probably help to get you losing...
  • tashajasmine
    tashajasmine Posts: 37 Member
    since you are already slim and don't really want to loose weight why not make your goal to walk or run a 5k by next month instead of measuring for inches. I am 5'4' and weigh 140. I know I look great but if I lost 10 more pounds I'd be at my pre-kids weight. Since that doesn't seem to be your issue aim for being more fit instead of smaller.
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    Do not get discouraged.....weight loss is a slow, patient process. You have to just keep pushing through and your body will realize you ain't playing around no more and the lbs will slowly start coming off. Do not get discouraged. It takes only a second to gain weight but it seems it takes weeks to lose patient and the results will come!
  • Revolutionwithin
    Revolutionwithin Posts: 47 Member
    I'm confused. You're 5 foot 7 and 130 pounds. You shouldn't really be any skinnier. I see you said that you're wanting to see results because you've been eating better and exercising, but what kind of results if you don't need to lose weight?
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    DRINK TONS OF WATER!!! Are you doing this??

    I know it can be discouraging if you don't see immediate results but I say stick with it and something will eventually happen. My biggest advice is to drink A LOT of water and watch your sodium levels because high levels tend to cause water retention.

    Eat more calories in the morning than the evening.

    Try interval training (this helps get you out of plateaus... instead of running for 30 then walking for 15-20, try running for 2 then walking for 1 repeatedly for 50 minutes to an hour).

    Try to lower your sugar and saturated fats (I cannot see your diary so I do not know what you are eating, but these are areas to watch out for).

    But my main point is.... DRINK WATER!!! Doing this cleanses your body and believe it or not actually helps lessen the water retention (the more water you drink, the less you retain).

    Good luck and stay positive!

    Edit: I also agree with some of the others who have answered your post, in that your weight seems pretty good according to your height. You don't want to lose much more (if any). If toning is what you want to do, you should search around MFP for some good toning exercises. :)
  • Julezebub
    Julezebub Posts: 106
    Hey there,

    Firstly welcome! Don't be dscouraged, really it takes a few weeks to settle into this.

    At first glance it would seem that you are making a common rookie mistake and eating too few calories. 1200 is the minimum you should be having without counting the calories you use up from running and other exercise. So if your calorie allowance is 1200 but you burn off say 400 through exercise then your actual or NET goal per day is 1600. Failing to eat enough calories over time sends your body into starvation mode where it doesn't burn calories correctly. As you have battled with eating disorders in the past it's my guess that your body is already used to starvation mode and so if you're now eating too few calories it's going to stubbornly hold onto your body fat. Often in these cases people see success from upping their intake by a few hundred calories.

    So take you time, think things through, be honest and log everything you eat but also all your exercise. Make sure you have your settings correct based on your daily activity. Most importantly think of this as a lifestyle change, towards healthy happy living.

    Good luck, there's lots of people in the same position all rooting for you x
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my goal weight is 135 lbs. I'm at 141--142ish now and I can pretty much admit now that the last few lbs I want to lose are only vanity lbs. My point is that you're at 130lbs now and most places will tell you that for someone as tall as you (and I), a healthy weight range is between 128 and 155, depending on body type. So you're already at the low end of that weight range.

    What results are you looking to see? At your healthy weight, you probably would feel better toning up rather than losing more lbs. That means that instead of running and walking, you should focus on eating enough (you mention eating 1200 a day but don't mention whether or not you're eating back the calories you burn, which is pretty important), eating healthy (lean meats, veggies, fruits, etc) and doing some strength training instead of cardio. Or intermixed with cardio, if you are doing it for the joy of it.

    Edited to say feel free to add me. I am focusing on toning up and can help keep you motivated if you want!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    If your goal is not to lose weight or get smaller, then I would recommend throwing out the measuring tape along with the scale. It's really kinda the same you found a recovery loophole..

    Set more strength-type goals for yourself, such as doing 100 pushups in a week, or being able to curl a 12-lb weight (that's a lot for me lol)..good luck!!!