
I am new to this site, and already think that it well organized and easy to use. I'm middle-aged and have struggled with my weight for a long time. My husband and I have faithfully done P90x for almost a year! We will complete our current cycle in the middle of July. Weight loss is another issue. It comes off soooo slowly. I am hoping that tracking my foods and fitness online will work better than using my "pen and paper" food journal. I hope it will hold me more accountable. Right now, it's too easy to blow off the journaling.


  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome! The food journal is really helping me. I've tried weight watchers and many other programs but this is the first one that truly has worked.

    Feel free to add me as a friend! There's lots of great people here - new friends just waiting to happen! :smile:
  • smcclain1
    smcclain1 Posts: 1
    One of my fellow teachers mentioned this website somewhere or other and I am so glad I remembered it! It is wonderful. This is something I can stick to and not feel dragged down by details. It's like a math problem. If you go over your limit, it doesn't compute! I don't know who invented this yet, but I love them!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome!! This is a great site!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You will love it. But it still takes a lot of effort on your part. I have been here for almost a year and now am maintaining. But I still log on everyday. If I didn't I know I would gain it all back. When it is right in front of you everyday it's different. I log my foods in before I eat them so I know if there is the best choice. I made so many recipes and now I just add a serving so I don't have to keep adding every ingredient one at a time. Well I just want to say welcome and good luck.
  • Postlethwaite
    Postlethwaite Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome to MFP:) I have tried a number of site's offering similar services, both paid memberships and free sites. I have tried to give each site a minimum of two weeks and with one week in, I have to say this one is far and away my fav. There is really no work to dealing with the food and activity trackers, and the nutritional information and summaries of your daily food intake make it very easy to see where you are struggling, or what areas need improvement. The people here are also very helpful and encouraging. I wish you great luck!