Someone you wanted to punch



  • hellosquirtle
    I work in a call center for cell phones, can I vote most people today?
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i don't need to punch anyone in particular today, but it's a great read all the same.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    My ex-wife cause she is a horrible troll of a person
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I have 2 people I have wanted to punch today

    1. The chick who answered her mobile in the yoga class, and proceeded to talk for about 2 minutes (even though it was quiet talking, seriously, it's a yoga class FFS).

    2. Another chick after yoga class who decided to ride her motorised scooter home wearing her 3/4 leggings and a pair of ballet flats, and it's wet and cold here... Serioulsy, she only looked about 21, but how dumb are you honey? If you have an accident, your feet and toes will be screwed for life, your sexy long skinny legs will be scarred for life... I'm amazed that you even bothered with a helmet. Obviously your parents haven't instilled safety into your vocabulary.