my success

I turned 50 in 2010 and for quite a while my weight loss was always a struggle up and down with no motivation. I even did the P90 (not P90x folks) and although my fitness improved and I lost weight, it did not stick. I am in the medical profession so I know nutrition. It helps my patients but did nothing for me. Enter December 2010, Christmas eve to be exact. I got on the scale and hit 170, a number I have NEVER seen. I was not one to need to lose a lot of weight, but just the same a struggle. I am active, on my feet and from April to October every year do a fair amount of cycling.

After seeing that 170 not only did it scare me but something clicked in my head that something HAD to be done. I searched the Apps store and found MFP. It has really changed the way I eat. It gives me complete accountability for my eating. It educates. I can put my exercise, cycling, walking, and keep a record of it all.

Now almost 6 months into my new eating habits, I am down 21lbs, in better shape than I have been in in YEARS and feel amazing. I am cycling farther with less effort and I can feel it.

The only struggle I have is my remaining midriff, which in spite of a 3 inch decrease in my waist is still haunting me. Abdominal crunches, power walking all to no avail. Any of the guys that have had luck let me know !!!


  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    That's great! I think when you turn 50 it just gets harder and harder. But this site definitely helps keep me accoutable and motivated. I've been doing it since May 9th and love it. Good luck.
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