Weight loss pills



  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    Not being rude, just honest... there is NO healthy way to lose 20 lbs. in a month! I wish it was that easy!

    I agree, sure, it is physically possible, but it's really bad for you. It will effect you mentally, emotionally, and physically. You will burn yourself out before you get to your birthday. Take your time, and when you're at the gym, or exercising, give it everything that you have and don't give up. Follow your calories, and log every single thing. You will have a lot of success. Even if you don't lose pounds pay attention to your body because you will probably lose inches.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Try 30 Day Shred by Jillian. You say its 33 days til your bday this gives you 3 days to shop for that perfect new outfit.

    I second this! I lost several inches off my waist, hips, and thighs in that 30 days. It's also inexpensive, I got it for around $8 on walmart.com.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Is weight loss/how you look that important to put your health in jeopardy? What if you just loose 10lbs or 5lbs but are lots leaner and in general healthy looking? Is a number that pivotal? I would get a good program like insanity and follow the meal program they give you... That I think you will have the best and healthiest results (also lasting)!

    Good luck!

    The typical side effects of those medications are no worse then most prescribed antibiotics and meds for other conditions. And there are plenty of people out there where the FEW side effects are much less then the risks of staying at the weight they are at. As long as you adopt healthy habits you can continue to maintain AND LOSE after a medication. I am proof of that

    I don't remember ***edited by moderator*** when I've taken antibiotics.

    Or having heart palpitations (I believe it was either Stacker 2 or Hydroxycut that had this as a side effect).

    High doses of tetracycline (commonly used when you have an infection in a tooth needing a root canal) causes severe diarrhea. High doses of Penicillin can do that as well. Heart palpatations can happen with anti-seizure meds as well as ADD and ADHD meds. Feeling shakey or light headed is a common side effect of pretty much any medication to treat Type 2 Diabetes

    Yes and diet pills are just as necessary as anti-seizure, ADD, and diabetes medication. =|

    ^^^ Aahahahahaha

    I never said they were necessary for EVERYONE. I said that there are benefits to using them in people where temporary side effects are much less then the risk of staying obese. and yes there are people that have a harder time losing when they do everything right.

    What I was correcting you on is that you dont remember an urgent need to use the bathroom when on antibiotics, and pointing out that it is a side-effect.

    And most people on Type 2 diabetes medication would no longer need it if they dropped to a healthy weight they could control it through diet and excercise. So 3 months of a diet medication to HELP learn better habits or a life time of pills and possibly having to move on to injections(and all of the other medical complications of diabetes)?

    **EDIT** Antibiotics are an abused medication prescribed then taken incorrectly or over prescribed for bacterial not viral infections. ADD and ADHD medications in adults is controversial so we wont go there.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I did try Alli when it first came out, then I pooped my pants because of "Anal Leakage" and decided id do it the old fashioned way. Then my friend had the Heart attack, and I never even thought to do something like that again LOL!
  • gklangdon
    gklangdon Posts: 80 Member
    I tried the Alli and it went fine for me (luckily no side effects). I've tried Phentermine from my doctor it worked fine for me. I started doing the Wii Active with the strength training and then Zumba. Well, I gotta say the numbers on the scale didn't move too much, but I started losing inches in the some of those spots that made me look like I lost more weight than I did. Using a DVD and working out tones up your body and may shift that weight so you can show off those arms and calves. I felt better about myself when I worked out.

    I'm now getting back into the groove of working out and watching what I eat. I'm hoping that combining those two will help me lose the the weight I want and make me look toned again.

    Good luck with whatever you choose to do. Keep your chin up and enjoy your journey.