When is it no longer "baby weight" TO YOU?



  • hello_kyla
    I had a C-section so couldn't do anything for 6 weeks after baby. Then, my thyroid went so I was gaining weight. And you know what? My husband didn't say anything even when I was 10 pounds heavier than when I was 38 weeks pregnant.

    I am still about 25 heavier than pre-preggo at 6 months post. I don't really care how much I take off as long as I fit back into my work clothes by September.
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    I had a C-section so couldn't do anything for 6 weeks after baby. Then, my thyroid went so I was gaining weight. And you know what? My husband didn't say anything even when I was 10 pounds heavier than when I was 38 weeks pregnant. I am still about 25 heavier than pre-preggo at 6 months post. I don't really care how much I take off as long as I fit back into my work clothes by September.

    I hear ya, I actually started walking at 4 weeks after my c-section at 2.5mph for 40 minutes. I also have Hypothyroidism so my thyroid has been messed up since I can remember so weight gain and loss is super hard for me.
  • breskittle
    breskittle Posts: 75 Member
    I think it's important for women to stay healthy during their pregnancy.
    I only gained 10 lbs of "baby weight" post pregnancy and lost that almost immediately and I am a single first time mother.

    Unfortunately most women use pregnancy as an excuse to let themselves go.
    You shouldn't have such an issue with losing weight if you had been watching what you were eating the whole time.
    Your baby does not eat twice as much as you. It doesn't even need a quarter of what you would normally eat.

    As far as time to lose the baby weight - I think 6 months to a year. And a year to be gracious.
    Depends on if you actually had any complications during and after your pregnancy.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Ok, this thread is about what it means TO YOU. It's different for everyone. My hubby and I are sitting here snickering (ok, honestly I'm laying on the bed as he's leaning over my shoulder reading while dry humping my leg distractingly) at the responses saying he's mean or childish for giving a deadline. It really wasn't a hard and fast ultimatum or anything. I knew that FOR ME it wouldn't take that long. Heck, I only ended up needing 9 weeks, so for him knowing me and the way I am, it's more than generous :) Like another man shrugging and saying he didn't care if his wife took 10 years. This wasn't a vent for hubby-bashing support; it was "this is how we view this, how do you view your OWN situation?" He loves where I'm at now. I only weaned 2 months ago (did almost 14 months this time, yea!) and was finally cleared to start Adderal again so I can finally work on getting to my preTTC weight. Got my body fat down to just inside "athlete" level, so I'm probably going to have to compromise on what the scale might say.

    Thanks to the guys out there brave enough to share and cheers to all of our mommy poster's inner MILFs :D
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    Ok, this thread is about what it means TO YOU. It's different for everyone. My hubby and I are sitting here snickering (ok, honestly I'm laying on the bed as he's leaning over my shoulder reading while dry humping my leg distractingly) at the responses saying he's mean or childish for giving a deadline. It really wasn't a hard and fast ultimatum or anything. I knew that FOR ME it wouldn't take that long. Heck, I only ended up needing 9 weeks, so for him knowing me and the way I am, it's more than generous :) Like another man shrugging and saying he didn't care if his wife took 10 years. This wasn't a vent for hubby-bashing support; it was "this is how we view this, how do you view your OWN situation?" He loves where I'm at now. I only weaned 2 months ago (did almost 14 months this time, yea!) and was finally cleared to start Adderal again so I can finally work on getting to my preTTC weight. Got my body fat down to just inside "athlete" level, so I'm probably going to have to compromise on what the scale might say.

    Thanks to the guys out there brave enough to share and cheers to all of our mommy poster's inner MILFs :D

    If it wasn't a "husband bashing" maybe you should have worded your original post differently like you did this one by explaining exactly what you meant. It sounded more like a bragging post so that you could compare yourself to everyone else on here to allow yourself some sort of weird pleasure for losing your baby weight so fast...

    NOW... That you explained your reasoning I see what you meant by your post. I just think you should of reworded it.
    Cheers to you and your weight loss
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    NOW... That you explained your reasoning I see what you meant by your post. I just think you should of reworded it.
    Cheers to you and your weight loss

    Yes, ladies please put the torches, pitchforks and spades away. There will be no more talk of crucifying my hubby tonight, lol. I realize my experience borders on freakish; I'm proud of my results but not the way I went about achieving them. Just trying to get a feel of what is more normal and socially accepted.

    In my profile picture taken recently, I am a size 10. In the 9 weeks post-partum picture I was a size 12-13.
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    Considering it takes 9 months to put on baby weight, I've always heard you should give yourself 9 - 12 months to lose it. I think it really varies by each woman and it also has a lot to do with your child's temperament. For instance if you have a child who doesn't sleep through the night for two years and you don't have a nanny to help out, you're probably less likely to feel like exercising and eating well if you're not getting enough sleep on a regular basis.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I have edited/removed some posts that violate forum rules. Just a reminder:

    4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    Please keep it respectful at all times.
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • Tinan76
    Tinan76 Posts: 56 Member
    It's no longer baby weight when you have the baby. Getting pregnant doesn't mean you have to gain xtra weight. I had two kids and put my pre pregnancy clothes on to leave the hospital. With both kids.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I say nine months to a year. After my first three births, after about 8 weeks I was about a size 6... then at about 9 months I found that without changing a single thing I started shrinking. I held on to about 5 lbs after each one, but without taking care of myself at all, I looked pretty good. After my fourth one, I did NOT bounce back like that, and I needed to do something. I didn't - instead I had another baby. LOL But it's around the end of that first year that it' feels "normal" to me to get back into shape.

    It's easier for some people than others - my sister-in-law was back to a size 2 two weeks after her second baby, and I was doula at a birth a month ago where the mama had practically a flat stomach right after the birth of her second baby... there are a lot of factors involved - metabolism, genetics, age, how many babies you've had, etc. It all comes into play, along with lifestyle.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Thank you ladyhawk00!! :D

    We all have VERY different experiences. Regardless, we all have accomplished something wonderful. A few pounds is NOTHING compared to our little one's smiles! Worth...it...every...time.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    My youngest is 11, so I'm pretty sure I'm almost done calling it baby weight. :)
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    It's no longer baby weight when you have the baby. Getting pregnant doesn't mean you have to gain xtra weight. I had two kids and put my pre pregnancy clothes on to leave the hospital. With both kids.

    *low whistle* yeah, see... even I couldn't do that.
  • MyBabysMamma
    You look amazing already, but good luck with achieving your goal. I gained about 28lbs when pregnant then a further 28lb since giving birth as I was just constantly drinking energy drinks.... Constantly!!!! I'm only on my diet a week and I've already lost 14lb just from giving up redbull. I would have hoped to have made some significant inroads into my weightloss by 6months post partum but that just didn't happen for me. I'm fairly isolated where I live and have little support with the baby, my partner works abroad so it's just me and baby 24/7.... hence the redbull. In saying that I've tonnes of energy since giving up fizzy drinks. Weird!!

    Can I just ask though, Did you do a lot of exercise? If so, What type, or do you have any recommendations?
    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    I used to work with a fantastic lady who told us "younger" gals that she told her hubby that "once my uterus shrinks after giving you a son.... I will look AWESOME!" Her son was turning 36 that year!!!! LOL
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    Sadly after my first baby I didn't lose any of the weight, and then I had my second less than 18mths later. So I was pretty heavy after baby #2. That baby just turned 3 on Sunday and I am 20 lbs under my prepreg weight. I just read and amazing book about women and running, and it said you should give yourself at least the 9 months it took you to put on the weight to take it back off.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    He would "give you a year" please note if any guy said that to me he'd earn one hell of a smack and cold shoulder for the next week!

    Anywho, 12-24 months is a realistic goal but that depends on your pre-pregnancy fitness level, fitness level while pregnant, delivery type, number of pregnancies and type (s) of delivery.

    i agree...if my husband said i had to be a back to pre-baby weight at any time...id be making sure he didnt get any for a LONG time
    personally its been 6 yrs (TOO LONG) and im still not back to pre-baby weight..but thats why im here...
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    I hear that breast feeding helps you loose weight considerably faster. However I don't know that gaining a huge amount of weight is necessary. I'm over that "my back side has to gain equally or I'll fall over thing. . However if we're talking about my ex-wife she's only on about 18 years.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I hope you have time...long read.

    1 - gained 40 pounds took me 2 years to lose it. In fact it took me a separation with my son's father.
    2 - gained 15 pouns (learned my lesson) didn't have anything to lose
    3 - Gained 16 pounds and still didn't have anything to lose
    4 - Gained 20 pounds, than gained 20 more pounds breastfeeding didn't lose it before getting preggo with number 5
    5 - Gained 4 pounds, got out of the hospital 20 pounds lighter then when I got preggo
    6 - Gained 25 pounds and lost it in 6 months
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I think it's important for women to stay healthy during their pregnancy.
    I only gained 10 lbs of "baby weight" post pregnancy and lost that almost immediately and I am a single first time mother.

    Unfortunately most women use pregnancy as an excuse to let themselves go.
    You shouldn't have such an issue with losing weight if you had been watching what you were eating the whole time.
    Your baby does not eat twice as much as you. It doesn't even need a quarter of what you would normally eat.

    As far as time to lose the baby weight - I think 6 months to a year. And a year to be gracious.
    Depends on if you actually had any complications during and after your pregnancy.

    Sorry but I find this a blanket statement that is completely UNFAIR!!

    So you're saying becuase I gained 56lbs with my 1st pregnancy I was unhealthy? I still worked out EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! I absolutely did not "let myself go". my ob was perfectly comfortable and happy with how my body changed/gained/and grew an amazing healthy little (ok not so little) man.
    With my 2nd I only gained 40lbs- again worked out every day. My body gains a ton of weight when pregnant (as did my mother's body and every one in the family). It does not mean I used pregnancy as an excuse or that I was unhealthy- it means my body did what it needed to do.

    I lost all the baby weight from DS (first) within 9 months and then got preg with DD. It took a bit longer with her (and I gained less mind you) but in honesty I was more focused on having 2 under 2 then I was losing the baby weight. I am currently below prepregnancy weight for both of them.

    I breastfed both kids (DS was 11 months then got pg with DD and he refused my milk when it changed- DD is still going strong at 15 months old). I didn't calorie count until DD was a year old- for me my milk supply was more important than losing weight and I am one of those women who has a child who breastfeeds around the clock like a maniac so the calories were needed. My body needed those extra calories to make the immense amount of milk Ava drinks (still!!). but after a year I figured my supply could dip a bit and she would still be fine (she still nurses 6+ times a day and drinks 8-10 ounces of pumped breast milk while I am at work).

    Everyone is completely different. For me it was the year mark. Ava wasn't a baby anymore so it was time to lose the baby weight- plus my milk supply wasn't a concern anymore.

    I just don't think anyone has the right to judge anyone else for lack of losing weight or gaining weight.
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