tracking: protein, cals, fat, carbs (i am new)

i am new to this and have only tracked two days. so far both days i have eaten what seems to be a good amount and healthy enough foods and snacks. however both days i was a considerable amount over in protein (13 over), and a considerable amount under in cals 296, carbs 54, and fat content 12. i can't imagine loosing weight by eating more fat, carbs, and calories? especially when i haven't been going hungry at all. can someone explain what i should be doing. and the calories that we get each day, are they calculated upon the exercise that we entered in on the food and diet profile? what i mean is that i entered in 6 days a week for 30 min of exercise, if i skip a day of exercise should i be eating fewer cals?


  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Are you are man or woman?

    If woman I say, as long as you are eating at least 1200 cal. a day you should be fine... if you are still hungry after that and within your limit, then eat! it is GOOD to be over in protein and under in carbs. You want to try and keep the carbs low if you want to loose the fat... WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK! As for eating less.. Just follow your numbers, you don't get extra calories to eat unless you workout, so if you are not exercising, just stay under or at the magic number :P
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    I would use the protein and fiber as a 'minimum' amount for the day and the carbs and fat as a maximum for the day.

    For your calories consumed, you want your 'net' calories for the day to equal your goal calories (if you net goal is 1200 and you don't exercise, then don't eat more than 1200...but if you exercise for 300 calories, then you can eat an additional 300 calories)
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I would also suggest tracking saturated fats (the bad kind) instead of general fats.

    You can eat stuff like avocado, nuts, and olive oil that are high in fat, but they have the good kind of fat.

    Cheese and cream have the bad kind of fat
  • Cumorah
    Cumorah Posts: 4
    it also has my calories set at 1500, isn't that kinda high for trying to loose weight? or does it depend on how much i am trying to loose or how much i intend to be exercising?
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    it also has my calories set at 1500, isn't that kinda high for trying to loose weight? or does it depend on how much i am trying to loose or how much i intend to be exercising?

    It also depends on your gender, starting weight, general daily activity level. 1500 isn't high at all. My limit is 1200 because I live a sedentary lifestyle and want to lose faster. If you have a more demanding daily life, you naturally burn more calories and need to eat more. I've seen plenty of people have great success eating 2000 or more a day because they were active and exercised.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    MFP sets your goals based on your current weight and how many pounds you are trying to lose. You will need to adjust these goals as you lose weight -- MFP will prompt you to adjust after the first 10 pounds.

    When I started, I was about 200 pounds trying to lose 1 pound / week, and my calories / day were around 1450. I have lost about 30 pounds and now my calorie goal is around 1380.

    Keep your caloric intake close to your net, eating more calories if you exercise, and you'll do fine!