Hi, New to site and needing help learning

Hello everyone. Thank you for looking at my post. I am new to this site. A friend ask me to sign up when I mentioned I really wanted to lose weight and needed motivation and training in doing so. My family is all overweight, so I want to learn to shop better, cook better, and make everyone better in general.
My name is Athena Harless. My site ID is athenaharless (as you can see by my posting). I am the mother of 3. My daughter is 17 and will be 18 in October. I have a son who is 15 and turns 16 in Jan and another son who is 10 and turns 11 in Dec. I am married to a wonderful man who is EXTREMELY picky when it comes to food. He will not touch veggies and thinks all meat should be fried. We have been married almost 2 years. He is diabetic as well, so if anyone has suggestions or tricks...please pass them my way. I have been overweight since I was pregnant with my daughter 18 years ago. When I had her, I weighed the same after having her as I did when I was pregnant, and the same happened with my other 2 pregnancies. I had lost 30 pounds in 2006-2007 when I got divorced from my kid's dad, but since meeting and marrying my current husband, I have put on that 30 pounds again. No matter what I do, I seem to put on weight.
Just really looking for a motivation support, and someone who can teach me. Thank you for reading. Have a blessed day!


  • karona313
    karona313 Posts: 37
    WELCOME!!!! Joining is a great positive first step. As far as your husband goes,...my husband use to keep a pot of oil on the burner so he can fry EVERYTHING. He now eats healthier (not perfect mind you) and is also losing his belly :) It has taken a while to change his ways, but the best way for me to help him, I think, was by example and offering him other options. I made fried chicken (so he thought) but what it was, was baked chicken with a spice and cornflake blend. He loved it. It takes time to change habits that have been around for that many years. Baked fries vs fried...etc...

    As far as my struggle with weight, it has been a life long battle. I finally have accepted that this is a battle I will probably be fighting for most of my life. But I would like to control one of the few and rare things we have almost complete control of in our lives...which is our overall health and weight. I love MFP. Logging food, once you get into the habit...and you will, is crucial. Be honest with everything that goes into your mouth so you can have all your calories accounted for. I've only been on this site, but have logged food before (lost 40 pounds so far before joining) and it's the only long term solution to weight loss/maintenance. The science is proven again, and again. Calories in less than calories out and you lose. Calories in greater than calories out, you gain. It's simple really. The only key is HONESTY and CONSISTENCY. As long as you have those two key traits and the wonderful support system I've found here on this site, there's really nothing you CAN'T accomplish.

    Please add me, I love friends!! Good luck on your journey...
  • Lily0013
    Lily0013 Posts: 28
    Hi, I'm new as well. Feel free to friend for motivation and support. My boyfriend is super picky and also thinks meat shoud be fried, so we compromise. Once a week or two we have cheat days for pizza, burgers, french fries, etc. Other than that the rule is that he at least has to try 2-3 bites of what I made. If he doesn't like it I'll make him something quick like sloppy joe's or a corn dog. He actually discovered some new favorites out of things he never would have tried before.
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    Welcome,,and your first step is logging on to here and admitting you need help as we all do that is on this site...
    Second you have to stick to it no matter what,,,I know it's hard sometimes and it gets frustrating but YOU CAN DO IT....
    As for getting your family to eat heathier,,take the bad stuff out of your pantry and replace it with fresh fruits and veggies( if you are the grocery shopper and cook stick to it)..My kids don't even miss the junk food anymore...they adapt quickly....They eat what is available to them...
    I quit frying food for my family,,if they want it they have to cook it themselves ( and that's not gonna happen) so they eat what I cook...on the nights they want to have pizza or something I just make me a salad and let them have there pizza..To do this you have to want it and fight for it.. And don't forget exercise,,I started out walking 10-20 a day whatever you can do every little bit counts,,you just gotta move..
    Welcome to MFP and if you need a support buddy feel free to add me....
    I hope you accomplish all you want to on this site...GOOD LUCK