Do the people who have the best weight loss success go to be

I wonder on day two of my life style change am I doing myself a disservice buy sitting up online allnite until my salty sweet food cravings hit me? Should I as a new dieter get to bed earlier in order to achieve the most success with my diet? I am so desperate to loose weight that I am doing everything at once to speed up the process! On yesterday, I started the Lipotropic injections with a B12 injection, phentermine, fatburnners and a night craving supressant that I took at 9:30pm. They told me that it would not effect my sleep but here I am up typing. Whats a lonely girl to do?:sad:


  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Yes, your body needs that sleep to recover from the hard workouts that you are (hopefully) doing. With that being said.... I am still up, and I have work in 6 hours.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Ick. You don't need all that stuff. If you have a working antrum (and if you don't know what I'm talking about, you probably do) then you don't need the B12 shots. Sleep is huge in weight loss. Your body needs four things to be healthy: food, water, rest and exercise. That's all the change you need. Eat well, as natural as possible, get some fresh air and sunshine, break a sweat regularly, drink tons of water, and sleep like a baby. It'll all fall into place.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'd suggest that a girl might want to try one thing at a time and not be so impatient......
    Honestly, you probably don't need any of that extra stuff, eat right and exercise and you can save yourself a heap of money!

    But, to answer your original question, yes going to bed earlier is a great idea because your body gets lots of rest which is good for you and you aren't awake to be hit with snack cravings :)
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    Yeah. You do need sleep...sleeping enough makes you less likely to crave junk food during the day.

    Says the girl who plans to be up until 3:00am watching anime.

    But I'm gonna sleep all day too, so it's okay for me. Nocturnalism ftw.

    Don't stay up late if you have to get up early...

    If you get hungry, try drinking water, or eating something like watermelon.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    The most important reason to get as much healthy sleep as you can is that your body makes growth hormone when you sleep..... this article explains the process....

    "Growth hormone is released by your pituitary gland in episodic waves, about once every ninety minutes, with the strongest wave coming approximately one hour after you fall asleep at night.

    Growth hormone stimulates growth and reproduction of your cells. When released by your pituitary gland in amounts that are in line with your physiological needs, growth hormone can help keep your muscles and bones strong. Growth hormone can also decrease the amount of adipose (fat) tissue that you carry.

    A lack of adequate growth hormone production is one of the chief reasons why people who do not get enough sleep tend to be at an unhealthy weight for their height and/or have weak muscles and bones. "
  • MyBeautyIsSkinDeep
    If my day has gone right and for the most part it does , iam in the bed by 9 and sleep by 930 or so ,,,,It is the summer time and the kids are helping more with the cleaning and dinner which makes my life SO MUCH BETTER!!!!! so in answer to your question YES sleep matters ALOT , you must get to bed sooner ....It will make you feel better!! FOR SURE!!!:flowerforyou:
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I'm not one to talk to about getting enough sleep because I feel like I never do - Hubby stays up crazy late and I have get up early for work. However, I can speak to sleep and cravings.

    If I get a craving for something "bad", I go to sleep. If it's at night, I go to bed early. If it's on the weekend, I take a nap. LOL Sometimes the craving passes on its own, but if not, the bed is my answer. Every.Time.