I need help... PLEASE



  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Track your sodium as well. Amazingly I didnt see that on here.

    Yes there is such thing as mild PCOS for those questioning it.

    To the OP. Are you being followed up on your PCOS? regularly having blood sugar levels and thyroid checks? If you havent been checked since you were 17 Id say its time to make that appointment
  • vonigohcr
    vonigohcr Posts: 1
    One other thing to look at is stress & sleep. Folks have mentioned the starvation/famine response which is just a form of body stress response. If you are carrying a lot of environmental stress (job, kids, partner, money etc.) and/or are not getting your full night's sleep (for most it is 8 hrs but can range +/- 1 hr or so) then your body goes into it's stress response, lowers metabolism and packs every excess calorie it can scrounge into storage.

    I was working a very stressful contract with little sleep and my BMI climbed to 35... I changed jobs and I dropped to 25 in about 8 months... My job is again stressful & I am down to 5 hrs sleep a night and I have climbed back to 29. Over all of this, my eating and exercise patterns haven't changed much.

    There are a bunch of studies linking sleep deprivation to weight gain... google this if you want... there was a good study out of University of Bristol back in '06.

    Just a thought.
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    Track your sodium as well. Amazingly I didnt see that on here.

    Yes there is such thing as mild PCOS for those questioning it.

    To the OP. Are you being followed up on your PCOS? regularly having blood sugar levels and thyroid checks? If you havent been checked since you were 17 Id say its time to make that appointment

    I agree with this. The thing with PCOS is that the hormone levels can fluctuate. Mine got increasingly worse in just 1 years time and had to be put onto Metformin. I went from mild to pretty sever (still didn't gain weight and don't have the hair issue) During that year I was watching everything I ate and working out at least 5 times a week and I lost a whopping 3 pounds. You truly need to be checked on an annual basis and more frequently if you are taking medication for it. Just remember with PCOS the symptoms will show differently in different people.
  • rubberducky88
    rubberducky88 Posts: 35 Member
    Track your sodium as well. Amazingly I didnt see that on here.

    Yes there is such thing as mild PCOS for those questioning it.

    To the OP. Are you being followed up on your PCOS? regularly having blood sugar levels and thyroid checks? If you havent been checked since you were 17 Id say its time to make that appointment

    I agree with this. The thing with PCOS is that the hormone levels can fluctuate. Mine got increasingly worse in just 1 years time and had to be put onto Metformin. I went from mild to pretty sever (still didn't gain weight and don't have the hair issue) During that year I was watching everything I ate and working out at least 5 times a week and I lost a whopping 3 pounds. You truly need to be checked on an annual basis and more frequently if you are taking medication for it. Just remember with PCOS the symptoms will show differently in different people.

    My doctor wasn't very helpful at all to be honest - it was kinda a 'so you have mild pcos, it will improve if you lose some weight and you may or may not have fertility problems" and that was the end of it... I wasn't told to come back or anything. I was put on the pill, but I came off of that last November (to attempt to not try to conceive but not prevent either, which is part of the reason I'm trying to lose some weight),
    Ever since coming off the pill this is when its become nearly impossible for me to lose weight - so I definitely have a huge feeling that my hormones are playing a massive part in this struggle.
    As it's only a mild form, I don't think there's anything I can do or the doctors will do for me (NHS doctors in the uk are pretty much reluctant to suggest anything that may cost money in my experience!)

    I've upped my calories to lose 0.5lb a week to see if I was eating too little and if this helps.
    Time to struggle on! :)

    Thanks all for taking the time to read though xx