looking for help..tips...what am i doing wrong now?

i replyed this to a post that was probably to old to get any other comments after mine and i'm looking for advice....she was having troble eating enough calories too.......

my old eating habbits use to be horrible! HORRIBLE!.....i use to eat no breakfast and no lunch and by dinner i was so hungry i had to stop for mc donalds or something else like that.... so i'm now on the verge of going into the overwieght scale of my BMI....i'm still not over wieght but sooo close . NOw i've joined here learn how horrible i was to myself. and this site told me thru its calulations that my calories intake should be 1200 (yes it said 1200 was enough i'm short, only 5"4"). so i changed all my habbits i'm eating breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks and stuff and i am able to eat 1200 calories but i was told if i excersice then i have to replace the calories so i still have 1200 calories in my body after.......i can't eat that much! i feel like all i'm doing is eating ALL DAY LONG! i'm tired of have to eat so much to get the excersice calories in there...what i'm i supposed to do....i don't like to eat like this and no i don't have a eating disorder...i just only want to eat when i'm hungry... anyways i cut out sooooo many bad things..ie. 3 huge glasses of coca cola a day and fast food 4 times a week r gone...and have been for three weeks...i've been eating the calories thru health foods now...i'm excersicing 5 times a week and there only been a loss of 3 pounds....i'm not giving up but i am fustrated....i'm tired of force feeding my self so much!


  • sherris
    sherris Posts: 112
    i replyed this to a post that was probably to old to get any other comments after mine and i'm looking for advice....she was having troble eating enough calories too.......

    my old eating habbits use to be horrible! HORRIBLE!.....i use to eat no breakfast and no lunch and by dinner i was so hungry i had to stop for mc donalds or something else like that.... so i'm now on the verge of going into the overwieght scale of my BMI....i'm still not over wieght but sooo close . NOw i've joined here learn how horrible i was to myself. and this site told me thru its calulations that my calories intake should be 1200 (yes it said 1200 was enough i'm short, only 5"4"). so i changed all my habbits i'm eating breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks and stuff and i am able to eat 1200 calories but i was told if i excersice then i have to replace the calories so i still have 1200 calories in my body after.......i can't eat that much! i feel like all i'm doing is eating ALL DAY LONG! i'm tired of have to eat so much to get the excersice calories in there...what i'm i supposed to do....i don't like to eat like this and no i don't have a eating disorder...i just only want to eat when i'm hungry... anyways i cut out sooooo many bad things..ie. 3 huge glasses of coca cola a day and fast food 4 times a week r gone...and have been for three weeks...i've been eating the calories thru health foods now...i'm excersicing 5 times a week and there only been a loss of 3 pounds....i'm not giving up but i am fustrated....i'm tired of force feeding my self so much!
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Maybe try some high calorie, good for you snacks like peanut butter or nuts? :flowerforyou:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    First, congrats on the changes you've already made.

    Second, 1200 Calories is the default, it may not be enough for you.
    It set me at that number (I am 5'4" as well) and I am currently experimenting between 1450-1500 calories. Make sure you check you BMR (under tools) that will give you a number you should at LEAST be at.

    I used to always under eat and then be starving too. Never thought anything of it. So, I had to learn the error of my ways as well.

    It did seem like a lot of food when I first started. However, when you add beveratges, condiments, meals, snacks, etc. it really isn't that much. EVEN when you add in the exercise calories.

    People sometimes don't realize that their bodies can't lose weight if it's terrified it's starving to death, it's a defense mechinism for our bodies. If you DON'T EAT what you need to function your body will hold onto EVERYTHING you eat and it won't matter how much you work out or what you consume. It just won't let go cause it HAS TO HAVE a certain number to function.

    Gotta have faith.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I'm not saying 1200 is too low, I don't know if it is too low for you as I don't know what your settings are. But as a default, 1200 is the lowest this site will go. It doesn't know wether or not it is "too low for you". I'd have your settings at "lose 1/2 pound per week" because you are in your healthy BMI zone. Trust me, losing more than that will be a HUGE strain on your body.

    As for eating enough, you need to spread out meals over the course of the day. Eat in the morning, even if it is just some fruit and yogurt. It's something. The trick is to never let yourself get so hungry that you're gorging on mcdonalds :sick: ew.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    :drinker: dang double posts.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    replace one glass of water with a glass of orange juice, you are getting your vitamin C and some calories too :flowerforyou:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Also, I HATE eating all the time....there is too much to do!

    I have found that if you invest in nutrient dense foods (higher calories-but healthy for a small amount) it helps A LOT! I keep a stash of almonds, dried fruits, crackers, hummus, fruit cups, peanut butter, little tuna cans, etc with me at school. I only really eat 4 times a day....and snack time is random depending on the day. I hit my calories and when I still have a big number at the end of the day....I eat a snack to at least put a dent in the leftover calories.

    Another thing that's come up is make sure that by "healthy" we are talking whole foods and not "diet" foods. There is a HUGE calorie difference as well as nutrient difference. Don't get me wrong I use some diet foods, but to fill in those calorie gaps....the REAL stuff does the trick.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    just my opinion and I'm not a nutritionist so take this for what it's worth....

    The recommendation on this site and with many nutritionist is to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day but there's nothing that says you absolutely have to do it. It's simply an optimum for increasing your metabolism. If it is really bothering you to eat that often, then don't. I don't recommend skipping meals but I think you can safely eat a solid breakfast, lunch and dinner and be ok. Make sure that you're getting all of your nutrients and, if you feel you're eating too much in terms of quantity of food then choose more calorie rich foods. You can easily eat 500 calories with a PB&J sandwich on whole grain bread and an apple for lunch. That's not a ton of food in terms of bulk but is pretty hefty for calories.

    In the end, regardless of the "best practices" you have to be comfortable that what you're doing is sustainable and a true life style change, not a short term fix.