Special K Diet


I am going on holiday in two weeks - desperate to lose a few pound before i go !

Has anyone tried this? - how much did you lose? and how did you find it ?

x x x x


  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Yes I have tried it, although people will frown upon it, it did work for me. You have to be very strict with it though and do what it says which is quite hard, you get used to feeling hungry but that goes away after a few days.

  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    it's not worth doing, you'll be hungry all the time and its only 30g per bowl too. You would be better, have it for breakfast but then make yourself a high protein healthy lunch and dinner. These fads may work for a small amount of time but once you start eating normally again you'll gain it back. just focus on eating healthy and doing some exercise inbetween and you can lose a few pounds before your holiday :)
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I was talking to a work colleague yesterday who was telling me she's been on this diet for a week now. She's lost around 4lbs in the week.

    TBH, I wouldn't feel very satisfied with just having two bowls of cereal during the day and would be more inclined to raid the biscuit tin while waiting on my evening meal.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I've tried it you need to be very discipline to do it cos the bowl is tiny you can snack on fresh fruit and veg in between but its boring which is why I couldn't do it
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Yeah I did it before, but I cheated slightly by drinking a lot of coffee and having 2 x 2 finger kit kats per day, I worked out an awful lot and saw a significant weight loss over the 2 weeks xx
  • healthychelsea
    blah, it isn't as effective as it is advertised to be. The pounds you lose are just scale pounds, nothing noticeable, mostly water weight. & you are always hungry and fatigued. Depending on your body and specific needed calorie intake, you can lose a pound in a week by ONLY eating your minimum daily calorie intake, without even working out. But if you exercise and only eat those same amount of calories, you can lose even more pounds!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Haha- I remember trying this years ago. I say trying because I literally couldn't stick to it- I tried having different flavours special K but you are only allowed 30g which is a tiny bowl and I threw in the towel quite early on.
    As far as crash diets go (which I now know all don't work in the long run) - this has to be one of the most boring. Sorry for my negative answer I am just being honest.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    It works because you eat less than normal. Just eating less than normal without the Special K would also work fine. You would do better to just eat 1200 calories a day in proper nutrition because you will get 3 decent platefuls plus snacks for that if you're smart about it, and a lot less of the rubbish that is found in breakfast cereals.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I would have to agree with everyone here. It isn't going to be noticeable weight. Just water weight...and you'll be starving. It isn't the fact that it's Special K that it "works", it's because you are REALLY cutting back your calories. You will gain it all back and maybe some more on vacation because your body will be like, " OMG! YAY! FOOOOOD!!!" Just keep your calories in the MFP range and exercise. You'll look great I'm sure! :-))
  • chels1605
    chels1605 Posts: 206 Member
    It doesn't work.

    I did it for three weeks with NO cheating. Bowl for Breakfast, Bowl for Lunch and for dinner had chicken salad's. I lost nothing. when i then went back to "normal" eating - I was seriously ill with constant runny poo's, sickness, tummy cramps and pain whilst eating - the doctors put it down to "IBS" but i put it down to the Special K diet. I'd never do it again!

    A long while after - I had a stressful relationship break up and only ate 1/2 a jacket potato with tuna mayo a day (i wasn't hungry with stress).... I lost 21lbs in a few weeks. Granted - when I recovered from the stress and started trying to eat again I could only eat a tiny bit of food and got serious tummy pains but the weight CAME off and STAYED off.

    You never know, Special K might work for you.... but I honestly think these fad diets are bad for you. I'm living proof of it. I live with tummy problems all the time because of my faddy eating habits... All you can do is TRY it out for the two weeks and see what happens.... you might be one of the lucky ones who it works for! xxx
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    I've tried it. I threw in the towel after the first three days. These were the days before I really understood the mechancis behind weight loss and gain and nutrition.

    If I can give you my honest opinion, the Special K diet is just an old trick that Kellogs brings out of the cupboard every summer to boost sales. When you think about it, it's only just marginally better than, for example, SlimFast (except I personally found SlimFast to be more filling!) in that it is solid and not liquid...

    but really, it is a diet based off of eating processed flakes of dried, rolled out grass seed (that is all that Special K is at the end of the day) moistened with a little milk...I mean really, that might be OK for farmer Joe's livestock, but it is no way for a human to gain nutrition on a regular, twice a day fo two weeks at least basis!

    The principle of the Special K diet is simple...if you eat this small portion for breakfast and lunch, you will be so deprived of calories that so long as dinner isn't humongous, you are BOUND to be under your calorie requirement and thus loose weight.

    Honestly, I don't approve of crash dieting generally, but if you're that desperate to loose a little extra weight for your holidays you would be better off and probably feel better off if you just did the leg work yourself, set yourself your own calorie goal, plan your meals ahead of schedule and stick to it. It's a chore at first, but like anything, if you stick at it you get used to it and it does become easier. You will gain better nutrition (studies have shown that the human body absorbs vitamins and minerals better from actual food stuffs than from artificially fortified foods such as cereal or vitamin pills) which will help your body to metabolize your food better anyhow, you will feel better for this and you wont feel deprived of a varied diet.
  • ShyBreasts
    ShyBreasts Posts: 91
    I'm currently on it now and I am on day 11 out of 14. In the first week the scales told me I lost 6lbs!! I was extremely strict though and didn't eat much over 1000 cals, however, I didn't do much exercise. The last few days I have started eating a bit more just because I have slowly got into doing more exercise and I don't want to be starving myself.

    I'd recommend it as a kick start diet or just to lose a couple of pounds.

    If you want to know how my special K diet goes then I am following my journey on youtube with vlogs and stuff :)


    Please check it out! Thanks :-)